[TST] the 3/4 method (or, how Riza Hawkeye deals with her superior)

Apr 01, 2012 02:10

Title: the 3/4 method (or, how Riza Hawkeye deals with her superior)
Fandom: theskytides
Rating: PG
Characters/Pairing: Riza Hawkeye, Jean Havoc, Roy Mustang, Hijikata Toshirou. Roy/Rou twincest.
Warning: 3/4 crack, some gay. Mostly lulz.
Notes: Writing on the plane is strangely fun. Totally inspired by the stuff Kae and I talked about back in Manila. THIS IS FOR YOU, ANIKI.

the 3/4 method (or, how Riza Hawkeye deals with her superior)
1025 words oneshot.

Without a doubt, Riza Haweye would say straight up that Brigadier General Roy Mustang is indeed a man she has no regrets following. There are few men in all of Reial who can inspire the level of confidence he brings across to other people under his command. He is strong-willed, compassionate when he has to be, a good leader and most importantly, somebody who Riza knows she can trust in, just as the general trusts in her. For all that the man has accomplished, however, there will always be some things that put the two of them at extreme loggerheads with each other.

Case in point: the general, having recently twisted fractured his shin, is still bound to his crutch and for all intents and purposes, should be on bed rest. Of course, Roy Mustang and the concept of rest are wholly and completely antonymous with each other, so rather than resting up in bed like he should be, is instead hobbling around the entire base with his crutch and trying to go on as if everything is fine with him.

Sometimes, Riza does admire the determination that the general possesses and would commend him for it. But there is a line between determination and outright stubbornness, and this case happens to fall to the latter.

Biting back a sigh, the woman gives her superior one last glance before starting to go through her options.

Option A: The Subordinate (aka Lieutenant Jean Havoc)
“Yo, General!”

“Lieutenant Havoc.”

“Great weather today, huh?”

“It hasn't been raining for a while, yes.”

“Times like these, it’s great to just... sit back and relax, you know?”

“You can take leave if you want to, Lieutenant. Just clear it with Hawkeye first.”

“Nah, I'm okay. But, uh-”

“Just spit it out, Lieutenant.”



“I mean-you should, uh, take a break! Heal up that leg of yours and all that.”

“I'm fine, Lieutenant.”

“But sir-”

“Is that all?”


“You can leave now.”

“...yes, sir.”

Riza supposed she would be surprised if Havoc actually managed to get the general to rest at all. She lets out a small sigh of her own as the other relays his failed attempt to her, knowing that it was most likely to step things up. For the general's own good, because really-there was such a thing as 'too much work', even if Roy never seemed to look like he had a limit. But she knew very well that the general did have a limit, and there was no way she was going to just watch Roy work himself to death like this.

Looks like it was time for the next option.

Option B: The Assistant (aka, herself)


“Where are my files?”

“I've already cleared them for you, sir.”


“There are no more matters for you to attend to, sir. You are free to leave if you wish.”

“With my leg like this?”

“Because your leg is like this.”

“Well, I certainly can't go out if my leg is like this.”

“Then you can take the time to recuperate. Commander Hijikata would be glad to see you back at your house.”

“He sees me every night.”

“He would prefer to see you earlier.”

“He can wait, I'm sure. Bring me the stuff for tomorrow, Hawkeye.”


“I'm just being practical.”

“You can attend to tomorrow's work tomorrow, sir.”

“Why do it tomorrow when I can do it today? Might as well get it cleared up sooner rather than later.”


“I'm waiting, Hawkeye.”

“...very well, sir.”

Riza only sighs again once she's dropped the files at the general's desk and takes her leave, taking a moment for herself to wonder at the bull-headed stubbornness that never stops frustrating her in situations like these. As much as she does admire it, it is times like these where the same stubbornness does nothing but prove how frustrating the general can be. But if there is one thing that Riza has taken from her superior, it is that exact same stubbornness that currently frustrates her. If he will not listen to Havoc or her, then there is somebody else who might just do the job.

Taking out her journal, she logs onto the network and types in a certain address, sending a private message to the user at the other end of the line.

Your brother is being an idiot. Please drag him away from his work.

Somewhere in Bellcius, a man closes his eyes and sighs loudly before he proceeds to take leave from his work for the next few days.

Thank Reial his superior happens to be Grand Admiral Brooke Mustang.

Option C: The Brother/Lover (aka Commander Hijikata Toshirou)

“...you just broke my crutch.”

“Because you're an idiot.”

“I expect a new one, Toshirou.”


“But how can I move without it?”

“You'll manage.”

“Will you carry me?”


“But Toshirou!”


“I'm just going to be stuck here unless you carry me.”

“Have Havoc and the others help you.”

“They're already gone for the night.”



“Will you stay in bed once you're there?”


“Depends on what?”




“You're injured.”

“Since when has that stopped me?”

“...I am not going to stoop to that level, Mustang.”

“I like it better when you call me Roy in bed.”



“Will you stay in bed or not?”

“Like I said, it depends on you.”

“...three days.”


“I took three days off.”

“I knew you cared.”

“Shut up.”


“You're an asshole, you know that?”

“But you love me anyway.”


“Is it really that bad?”

“When you're being an asshole, ye-mmph.”

“Like I said, you like it anyway.”

“Shut up.”

Three days later the general returns to his work much more rested and with a new and notably handmade crutch (no guesses as to who's the one who made it), and Riza can let out a small sigh of relief at this small victory. If Hijikata hadn't worked she would have brought in Maes Hughes, and then that would have been pretty damned awkward to manage.

Thank Reial for small victories.

~fic, !theskytides, !fullmetal alchemist, *knightblazer, !gintama

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