The Crosses We Carry [Part II / ???]

Mar 19, 2010 14:11

Kind of a short part, but orz. Inspiration, it is lacking. The next one issss going to be kind of short too, just so you guys are aware.

Basic premise for those who do not know: this fic is set the the world of theskytides, an AU panfandom RPG set in a steampunk line in which it is totally a fandom of its own. Miles Edgeworth (from the Ace Attorney series) and Hijikata Toshirou (from Gintama) happen to be the first mate / boatswain respectively in of one of the ships in the game. In this story, Hijikata has something of a... crush towards Edgeworth that he has never told anyone, though he is aware. Sequel to The Shadows We Bear, one month has passed since then, but all is not well as a new problem arises...

Parts: Part I | Part II | Part III | Part IV | Part V | Part VI | Part VII | Part VIII

TST!Shadowverse fic : Part II

“…worth. Mr. Edgeworth…”

“Mmmn… hm?” the silver-haired man returned intelligently, a frown forming on his face as he found himself being aroused back to the land of the living. And he was finally sleeping so well for once…

“…sir? Um, Mr. Edgeworth, sir, can you hear me?”

Edgeworth finally responded as he scrunched up his eyebrows, a quiet groan escaping his lips as he opened his eyes-only to wince them sharply as the light from the windows shone into his eyes. Through squinted vision, he could only barely make out the figure that was standing before him, and another few more seconds passed before he properly managed to see the somewhat nervous face on a certain familiar-looking brunette…

If anything though, the teenager only looked even more nervous when he saw that the man had awoken. “Um…” he started, faltering partway as he turned send an exasperated look towards where the door was. “I dunno, man! Soujil, why don’t you just come here and do the talking instead?!”

Turning his head around at the footsteps from the door, Edgeworth couldn’t help but feel himself frown in slight irritation as his younger (much younger) cousin walked into his room, a small smile visible as he walked up to the brunette. “Well, you are supposed to be my voice of reason, you know.”

“Last I checked, being your voice of reason didn’t entail having to talk to your cousin.” From the way he was going on about it, Edgeworth supposed that the teenager was well aware of who he was-for better or for worse, anyway. At least it didn’t really matter in this point of time.

Sighing softly, the man blinked out the last of the sleep from his eyes and looked towards Souji with an entirely unamused expression. “I hope you have a good reason for disturbing my rest.”

The smile on Souji’s face only grew wider. “Since when did I not have a good reason now, Miles?”

“…” Edgeworth did his best not to lineface at that response, disguising it with a cough as he glanced away and absently raised a hand to smooth out his notably mussed up hair-he had just woken up, after all. “So what is it that needed you to wake me up? I’m still rather tired out from the travel all the way here.” ‘Here’ meaning Shasta, which had taken about a week and a half for him to arrive here-the man supposed he could only find himself lucky that he had the sense to take a month’s worth of leave. Not that doing that hadn’t attracted some raised eyebrows and a glare from von Karma, but it couldn’t really be helped. At least, not while he still had this debt to settle.

The amused expression on the silver-haired teenager’s face disappeared at the question, and there was a seriousness on his face now that Edgeworth could recognize quite easily. “I apologize for disturbing you, Miles, but we’ve come here to inform you that we’ve located our destination.”

“…that’s rather fast,” Edgeworth remarked with a blink.

A small smile graced Souji’s lips once again at those words. “We have a habit of trying to deal with these kind of issues as soon as possible. It would be… bad if we left them out too long.”

“You almost sound like you’ve been doing this for a good while already.”

Again, the smile widened. “For better or for worse, yes.”

Any words that the man would have wanted to say in response to that reply was effectively cut short as the door slammed open again (Edgeworth couldn’t help but cringe just a bit there and then-honestly, whatever happened to manners nowadays?) and he found himself half-staring, half-blinking at the sight of a strange, rather hyperactive blond boy bouncing into the room with bright blue eyes sparkling in what seemed like nothing but pure excitement.

“Sensei, sensei~ we’re all done packing-” he started, stopping when he noticed Edgeworth from the corner of his eye and paused in order to blink at him for a couple of moments.

Despite knowing better, Edgeworth glared back in return and asked somewhat stiffly. “Is there a problem?”

The blonde only grinned in a way that seemed as if he had just figured out something very important. “You’re Sensei’s cousin!”

“…sensei,” came back the deadpan response, complete with a look that was sent towards Souji’s direction.

The teenager shrugged. “I tried.”

“I think you mean you didn’t even bother,” the brunette muttered in an undertone, though it was close enough for Edgeworth to have heard it (and he had to try not to jump in surprise there and then-he had completely forgotten about him).

“I tried,” was all that Souji said again before he turned back to the blonde. “Is everyone else ready?”

The boy grinned. “Yep! All of us are packed and ready to go! We’re just waiting for Sensei’s cousin!”

“Thank you for not informing me on an earlier notice,” Edgeworth muttered somewhat darkly to himself as he rubbed the back of his head.

“I’m sure we can spare a bit to wait for a bit,” the younger of the two relatives went with a small smile towards the blonde before he turned to the elder. “Will you be taking long, Miles?”

“…just give me half an hour,” the man replied after a moment’s worth of consideration.

“Fine by me,” Souji went before turning back to the younger boy. “Alright Teddie, go to the rest and tell them to gather at the entrance in half an hour.”

The blonde-Teddie-grinned once again. “Okay! You can count on me, sensei~!” He went, practically chirping out those words as he turned and started to make his way out of the room-though not before giving everyone a temporary farewell (See you later, Yosuke! And you too, Sensei’s cousin!) and slipping out of the door.

To his credit, Edgeworth managed to resist the urge to pinch the bridge of his nose in exasperation. “Sometimes, I wonder about the company you have.”

“I hope that doesn’t include me,” Yosuke muttered. “Because as far as I can see, I’m the only normal one around here.”

crossovers, !ace attorney, ~fic, !theskytides, !persona 4, *knightblazer, !gintama

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