So. NaNoWriMo. It's a little late for an update, but I've spent the past week or so battling with a particularly horrible virus. One of my clients sent me a Word doc that infected my computer. After a while, I gave up trying to get rid of it and reformatted my hard drive. Luckily, I have an external hard drive and back up, for the most part, frequently.
In the end, I lost about 5K of my NaNo novel.
This is how I stood pre-virus:
I didn't win, but I came really close.
Things I Learned From NaNoWriMo
-I can write 30K in three days.
-I don't ever want to write 30K in three days again
-There's an equivalent to "runner's high" for writers
-The amount of writing it takes to produce writer's high doesn't necessarily produce good writing
Overall, I enjoyed the NaNo experience. Next year, I'll try to write regularly instead of leaving everything for the last minute.