Now, where was I?
I bunked off work Thursday and Friday, not particularly because I was ill but because, well, because I couldn't make myself go to work. We've all had those days right? Please tell me it's not some spiralling new thread of mental illness I should look into hah hah? Anyway, the weather was revolting and the gale force winds rocked and rolled my boat as I snuggled in el duvet and read books all day long.
Wednesday night I met up with
silverjet_allie and went along to the Members View of the
Peter Hujar exhibition at the ICA. I really like his photo of
Susan Sontag and there was an ace one of a goat as well :) I drank some swankily gross concoction of fizzy wine and hibiscus and I love, love, loved the new menu in the cafe.
Friday night I went to see the counsellor again and made the huge decision to pursue therapy as my 'issues' are definitely emotional and even more definitely burried about as deeply as they can be. We could be here for some time and I reckon it's going to cost a fortune. I hope I don't get addicted to or become dependent on any form of therapy as a crutch. That's my fear I guess, I know what I'm like.