POLITICS: Abortion is "Change"?

May 10, 2009 17:35

I'm not sure whether or not the girl who posted this as a note on Facebook wrote this herself, so I will merely reference the note from which I copied this great article from, just in case:
Link: http://www.facebook.com/note.php?note_id=84181720845&ref=nf

In the last year, the word "change" has been given a new face and has become the new "hope for America".
In the last year, an estimated 1,460,000 babies were aborted. An estimated 20 or so babies are killed every minute.
Since when was THIS change?

In the last year, "change" has been identified as moving on from the past, creating a new America where diversity and oppression will no longer issues.
And yet, murder is happening around us everywhere.

Abortion is classified as the termination of a fetus before it reaches 28 weeks in the womb. "Termination" is, quite honestly, the killing of.
Since when was change murder?

Our country talks of shaking the chains of oppression away and washing away brutality, yet every day, 3,000 babies are aborted.
THIS is change? The killing of the innocent?
The barbaric killing of those who cannot help themselves?

Doctors around the world every day are performing abortions- those same doctors that took the Hippocratic Oath- to help, and not harm.
Perhaps we should change it to "Hypocritical Oath"?

We are so concerned about not offending and being politically correct that we have turned our backs on morality and honor and are continuously allowing the slaughter of children.
How is this change? How is this politically correct?

Why is it we're more willing to save trees from being cut down and saving a chicken from the slaughter house then we are to stop the murder of fellow human beings?

Make REAL change, and let us truly turn our backs on the ungodly slaughter of babies, and rid it from our country.

“I’ve noticed that everyone for abortion has already been born.”
-Ronald Regan

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