Finally Get to Post my Turkey Day Blog :)

Dec 09, 2006 13:02

Ok So it has been a while since I have blogged anything. Ever since joining my space I really haven’t blogged much, Due to the blinding impulsiveness I feel when I use myspace. (Its like crack.) Otherwise, ust been floating here in San Francisco. Doing my usual: work, friends, chillin. Actually have had some good things happening. I am headed back to school soon, this next semester. I decided to go and get my nursing license. The thought of helping people heal themselves through medicine excites me. Also recently met a wonderful man who. I am getting to know.. So all is in the land of LuvSik. Well not all, but all that is not right will work itself out in time.

I have to write about the tumultuous morning I had. So being the forgetful person that I am I forgot to check the BART schedule last night before going to bed. I was pooped from a long day, and I guess I decided \that BART would be running as usual. So I wake up this morning at 5:20 , after a shower and some last minute packing I headed out the door. It was still mostly dark. The sun was coming up. There is something about dawn. This anticipation of the sun, the transition from night to day. The last time I saw a sunrise was at Burning Man. And even thought I am not on the playa it still amazes me. God I sound lame, but it true. I think that the Bjork song I was listening to help create the mood on this mornings walk to BART. After beaming from my amazement at nature, I snapped out of my awake state of slumber and started to think, “ Shit I hope BART is running on time.” I get to the station and its FUCKING CLOSED I have about 40 minutes to get to the Embarcadero. I have no idea how to get there on the bus. I jump on the first bus I see, and politely ask the drive how I get downtown. After a bus transfer I was headed up Misson St. on the 14 Bus. I sit down and this very beautiful latina girl sits by me. Her boyfriend was killin me with his eyes. Dude was looking like he was ready to jump on me. Was just odd in a funny way to me. Half way down Mission St. I check the check the mine and freak out a bit. Its 650 , by bus at the Ferry Building leaving at 6:55. I am thinking “I’m not going to make it.” I also didn’t know that the bus last stop is about 3 block from the station. So I am running down Mission St. with two heavy bags. As I run across the street, I see my bus loading up getting ready to so. I race to the station and the I must say. After almost passing out from running so much. (Damn I’m outta shape) The staff at the Amtrak station were so helpful. They kick ass! She totally made the bus wait until I got on board,. Man she saved my ass. I think am going to find out that chicks name and send an email to Amtrak about her. She was awesome. Whoever you are, Thanks.

Now I am on the train to my hometown, Fresno. It always feels so strange to go there now. The only thing that feels normal to me is my amazing family. Unlike a lot of folks I know I get along with my parents famously. I am actually looking forward to seeing them. I sit here swaggering back and fourth from the trains steady rocking. It borders between soothing and annoying., but since I have been up since 5 am. I am going to try and take a disco nap. And listen to some music. I will be back to type more later about my Thanksgiving adventure 8:56am Nov. 23,2006

Thanksgiving in LuvSik land was actually fun, but somewhat sedate. Felt like everyone was on a light dose of morphine. Happy but a bit glazed over a bit. It odd to see my family now. I feel like a visitor, well I guess that’s what I am. I don’t have much contact with them unless I am in town. Kinda sad, but just the way it is. But I wont digress in to some deep revelation about my family. This ain’t that kind of blog! HA. So tomorrow me and my Dad are going to be traveling Chachancee Casino. Gotta support the Native folks..and my Dads gambling habit . HA HA Just kidding dad. Actually we are going to breakfast. Then some black jack or texas hold’em. I will let ya know if I am come home a rich man. Its great to be spending time with my family. When I’m here I forget how much I miss them. 10:05pm Nov. 23, 2006.

Ok I am not a rich man but I am happy. We played slots, and blackjack. I realized is to much more fun to gamble with other people money. So after we got back from the casino my Mom, Dad and I are sitting around and talking about gay vs. straight relationships. The subject of gender roles in dating came up. I asked my dad, “ So when you and mom first started going out. You’d pay for dinner right?” he says,” Actually no, mom would, I was broke.” Then he says,” Let me tell you a story. When mom and I would go out. We would go to the buffet. And I would eat so much I would throw up.” After he said this I was laughing so hard I almost threw up myself. Then I turn to my mother and say,” You must of loved him.” This is the stuff that I miss the most. Shit my parents are funny. Well my day has been good….now time to veg on tele. Later.
Nov. 24th, 2006
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