[Fanfiction] Night Song

Mar 15, 2010 12:01

Title: Night Song
Warnings: fluff, friendship
Rating: G
Fandom: JRock
Characters: Hyde, Tetsuya, mentions of Megumi, Ayana, Gackt and Yasu.
Disclaimer: I don't own Hyde, Tetsuya, any of the other stars mentioned or anything as awesome as them, really.
Note: This is fic is for din_84 - thanks so much. You know what for. To friendship, I guess :o)

Summary: I understand, because that's just how things work between us.

Night Song

“She's angry with me, and I don't know why!”

For a moment I just blink in utter confusion. The bedroom ceiling seems so very unrelated to the voice in my ear. Ever so slowly a few facts drift through the thick fog that has enveloped my mind and I sigh softly. There is only one person who'd call me this late and whose name on the display would make me pick up the phone even while still half-asleep.

“Tetchan? Please, I need your help here.”

Carefully slipping from the tangle of sheets and limbs that dominates Ayana’s and my bed, I breathe a “Wait a second” into the receiver before I bend down to kiss softly smiling lips in a silent promise to be right back. To this day I am amazed at her never wavering ability to understand without lengthy discussion or explanation even after the ringing phone has almost pulled her from sleep.

“Just let me grab a cup of coffee.”

I can all but feel him squirming on the other end of the line. A sip or two of strong coffee turns the blur above the kitchen door into a clock, which in turn indicates that it’s 2am. It isn't all that unusual for Hyde to call me at such a time.

“I'm awake now. Let's hear it.”

So many people think so many things about us. It's fascinating, really. We stopped counting the times I was the reason behind his rumoured divorce, but we still get a kick out of this thing called fanfiction every once in a while. Usually it's Hyde looking stuff like that up on the internet when lack of sleep turns him into a hyperactive gremlin. How often have I sat in my living room in the dark of night while he laughs into my ear with delight at his latest discovery of bad porn featuring blow-up-doll versions of us?

The thing is, we are not lovers. Never have been, never will be. That doesn't mean we don't sometimes end up being the most important person in each other's lives. Being close friends and band mates for nearly 20 years can do that to you. I wouldn't say we're best friends, soulmates or anything of that nature. Maybe we're like siblings, always connected in some very basic way no matter where our lives take us. That's why it's alright for him to call me a 2am in the morning when he's upset. That's what family's there for after all. Besides, had I been preoccupied otherwise, he'd have respected the radio silence and not called a second time.

Sometimes it annoys me that he always ends up coming to me with stuff like this. On the other hand it makes me glad. Hyde has a heart of gold and such an incredibly young, talented spirit. I'm glad to be included in what he'd call his closest circle. We don't need to spend much time together to keep that bond alive. Besides he calls me with troubles as often as he calls me just to tell me something nice that lifts my spirits after a hard day of work. We don't need to be lovers for me to love him. I don't need to be in love with him in order for his voice to bring a smile to my face. It's just the person that he is.

Tonight it's about him and Megumi. They are a wonderful couple, but it has always amused me how he would turn to me for advice on marriages long before I made the vows myself. Somehow he's like that, though. It wouldn't occur to him to find his choice in confidant odd.

“So what do you think? It's not her birthday, not our anniversary, nothing related to the kid, I pay attention to her in bed, I've found a good balance between work and time at home for the moment, I haven't forgotten any dates we had, I haven't even stolen stuff from her closet in forever. But she's still pissed at me. What did I do, Tetchan?”

There is a hint of desperation in his voice. I can't help but smile. Sometimes it's odd how he can miss the most obvious things as long as they are solely related to his own well-being. Sometimes he really is clueless.

“You still haven't had that cough checked out, right?”

He hesitates before voicing his answer, but that slight pause is enough for me to roll my eyes. Of course, he hasn't. Pity for him I'll team up with his wife on this one. No wonder she's upset when he's neglecting to take care of himself like this.

“First thing tomorrow morning you're going to the doctor's.” I don't give him the chance to protest. “And yes, that means getting up early. I'm pulling the band leader card on you, Takarai Hideto. Get it checked out and get better soon. Otherwise there will be no soba during our next tour. And I'll even call Gackt and Yasu and tell them you're sick and in need of company.”

Yes, I'm cruel to him. Sometimes he just needs that. Maybe that's why he calls me. Deep down he knows I'll yank him on the right track no matter what, just because I care for him.

There's defeat and a major pout in his voice. “I hate you.” I don't mind.

As expected he hangs up and I don't hear anything from him for almost two weeks. It doesn't worry me. We're both busy, and I know him well enough to know he's got things sorted out now. The next time the phone wakes me in the middle of the night it's just a text containing his latest blog post.

“Love you, too”, I murmur and go back to sleep.

I understand, because that's just how things work between us.


The End...

genre: fluff, !fanfiction, status: one-shot, rating: g, fandom: jrock, character: hyde

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