[Fanfiction] The End Of The World

Nov 29, 2009 01:58

Title: The End Of The World
Prompt: riverofnara - Apocalypse
Fandom: JRock / Gakuahi
Warnings: humour, minor swearing, references to sex, references to heavy violence
Rating: R
Disclaimer: Hyde and Gackt are real people. I do not claim to know, understand or own them in any way. I just wrote this for entertainment. I do not mean to imply anything by the written words and I do not mean to slight the real persons in any way, least of all in regards to Hyde's very real and hopefully very happy marriage.

Summary: They say there are certain signs when the world is just about to end.

The End Of The World

They say there are certain signs when the world is just about to end. These days, of course, you can't go all flashy with water turning to blood, plague, locusts and the like anymore. Fire falling from the skies would be considered more of a bothersome special effect than a sign of the coming apocalypse. No, these days the signs are much more subtle. Except maybe for the whole deal about environmental disasters, but then again Gackt would not attribute those to God but rather to Nature kicking humankind in the ass as it deserved. Hyde agrees wholeheartedly via his songs.

So what are the modern signs of the coming Apocalypse? Gackt believes they are different for each individual person. He has made the odd joke about his personal sign being any conversation with a woman that starts with the words „We need to talk.“ Only, it's really not a joke to him. He believes wholeheartedly that any conversation starting with these words can only lead to his own personal hell on earth right there. Women, in his experience, tend to use these words way too often for his comfort, which is why he has started dating a man.

A kind of sort of slightly feminine man, mind you, but he'll be caught eating a cream gateau all on his own before he ever admits that out loud with the other around. Hyde would skin him alive, cut him to pieces, burn the remains, mix the ashes into dog food and then have the poor beasts put down, and he isn't even exaggerating here. Except maybe on the cutting to pieces part. Hyde avoids anything that could be even remotely connected to cooking for the simple reason that he fails hard at it. But the point is this: Hyde is a man and men don't start conversations with the words „We need to talk“.

Not ever.

„We need to talk, Gacchan.“

For all the sexy getups at Halloween lives, for all the sinful eyeliner, for all the skirts and dresses and wigs in the world, sometimes Gackt wishes nothing more than for Hyde's feminine side to just take a walk in some remote woods at night and be torn apart by werewolves already.

„We can't have sex tonight.“

Gackt chokes on his drink. He doesn't even listen to Hyde's very reasonable explanation about how Hyde never has sex on the night before a live or his expressed interest in spending the night cuddled up together doing whatever normal couples do when they don't screw each other silly. Gackt isn't even physically able to listen on at this point. His inner eyes see nothing but flames and fucking grass hoppers.

End of the world indeed.

!fanfiction, status: one-shot, status: drabble, genre: humour, fandom: jrock, character: hyde, pairing: gacktxhyde, rating: r

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