Jan 29, 2007 10:25
I don't understand people. I cannot understand how anyone can grow up in this Western world as it is today and not be accepting of different lifestyles, different ideologies or different PEOPLE.
This isn't even my Grandad I'm talking about, who I can understand if not forgive. I'm talking about my 19-year-old cousin who dropped out of her Criminology course because, and I quote, "there were too many coloureds, I felt left out".
I'm talking about my 17-year-old friend who left Liverpool to seek London pastures and says the same things as my cousin regarding the ethnic diversity of that region.
I'm talking about the lad in my Sixth Form who sits there and comes out with such gems as "show me a Jew who isn't filthy rich" or greedy, or whatever horrendous thing he decides needs to be broadcast to the corner at large. All of us: 0_0 wtf?!
Then there's the several instances of homophobia (but I think that one's under control, since there are several gay/lesbian/bi people in the common room and in our corner that have helped to ease the situation.
And the classic one in French just now... talking about how in the early 1900s it was still scandalous for women to reveal a bit of ankle, we got on to when women were able to wear skirts... my French teacher then says he doesn't like girls lower down the school being able to wear trousers as part of their uniform. THEN a girl says that she really doesn't like girls wearing trousers in GENERAL and that women should alll wear skirts because trousers aren't "feminine" enough and that, and again I quote, "they should just slap on a bit of fake tan and wear the skirts anyway."
Would she rather women stayed at home? I mean, the work place is really a man's domain. And the vote? Psssh, we should leave all this politics gibberish to the men, they know what's best. For the record the girl I'm talking about applied to Cambridge. I wonder if she'd have something to say if it was all-male again? Or if she'd been made to leave school at 14?
I was too shocked to get in with a shout of outrage, which I sincerely regret, but seriously, what is going on with the world? I feel like rights and tolerance are regressing rather than moving forward and THIS NEEDS TO STOP.
Is anyone else experiencing this? Because it's really pissing me off now.