May 27, 2009 18:36
Apparently my parents had a Financial Advisor over today, and the only workable plan is to sell our current house and start renting. I can't say I'm really surprised... my parents LOVE to move house (and I sort of do too, I guess) and we've been in our house about five years now, which is sneaking up on the reigning champion of house longevity, so it was time to pack up and move on. :P
There are, I guess, pros and cons to this new development
1. I get to be out of the house when it's being sold. I HATE THAT SHIT. It's so awkward and weird and violation-like to have some strangers come into your house and start talking about tearing stuff out or painting stuff over.
2. I get all of the furniture my brother optioned in the Great Room Switch BACK.
3. Car-boot sales
1. We have to leave Groucho. He's buried in the garden under a rose. I had to leave Splodge buried in the house before last, and apart from anything else, that hurts.
2. We have to move the other cats. They've never once run back to an old house (and they've lived in three themselves) but I will still worry. And they're older, and I worry about them.
There are possibly more of each, but I went out to the pub with my study group after our exam and I'm not thinking too clearly right now. In conclusion, my family were nomads in another life, and I will possibly have moved house twice before the end of the year, bringing my total to around 14 addresses in my lifetime. \o/
moving house,
joy of independent living