Jul 03, 2011 00:54
I'm experiencing a lot of conflicting emotions right now. Joy and jealousy, hope and fear, serenity and anxiety. I'm trying not to let them overwhelm me, just sort of letting the storm rage and seeing where things settle once it's through. I'm not sure I have any other options, really.
I went on vacation last week to Fenwick Island in Delaware, and had a bit of an epiphany. I realized that being a sun-loving beach bum is such a huge part of who I am, but I hardly ever (rarely once a year, if that) get to experience it, that I just sort of ignore this piece of me in the hopes that ignoring it well make me less sad than denying it. I could work a crappy job for the rest of my life, and think I had a perfect life if I had the beach to turn to whenever I needed her.
It's one of those moments where I wonder if I'm just being a baby, or if I truly thrive there for a reason. I don't know a single person who comes back from a vacation ready to go back to work, so I realize I'm not alone in this sort of post-vacation depression, but I kind of think there's more to it than that, too.
On a lighter note, HAI EVERYONE!