Title: Microfic Meme - Auron
Rating: G
Word Count: 133
Characters: Auron, Braska, Jecht, bitty!Yuna, Fujin
Notes: Okay, I really have to stop using microfic memes as ways of collecting ideas for longer fic. :\ I'M REALLY SORRY, INTERNETS, PLEASE DON'T DISOWN ME. [Written for
muggy_mountain, contains spoilers for Auron's past.]
ANGST: Auron doesn't move until Braska's pyreflies have faded away completely.
AU: "He's not a pirate," Yuna says severely. "He's father's friend.
CRACKFIC: Auron's younger self has more skill than cunning.
He loses.
"Of course."
"You two related, Fujin?"
DEATH: It's like his sleep. Unrestful and broken by Jecht's voice.
EPISODE RELATED: Tidus doesn't believe him. Not about love. Not from Jecht.
FIRST TIME: He doesn't realise until he tries to breathe and can't.
FLUFF: "Anything you wish, my lord," he says, finally smiling.
HUMOUR: Auron climbing a tree to chase Rikku was unforgettable. Unfortunately.
HURT/COMFORT: "I'm all right," Braska says. Auron collapses, clutching at him.
SMUT: "My lord -"
Braska laughs, pulling him closer. "It's just Braska."
UST: Jecht knows how Auron feels about Braska. Wishes Braska did.