So, I went to see Star Trek with my mum today, and it was a proper mother-daughter bonding session. She's an Old School Trekkie and Spock fangirl, and directly responsible for me mainlining Original Series Trek as a child, and for once, her and me are geeking out over the same thing. It's quite cool to be sharing some fannish time with my mum (even if she was crying over the line above, while I was wondering if anyone had written fic about old!Spock and young!Kirk in the cave yet ...I bet they have).
What can I say...I LOVED it. Gorgeous-looking film, cool idea (even if it is one that turns up a lot in fanfic, to do it with a universe entrenched in forty-odd years of canon is so exciting to me), McCoy was awesome, Sulu was badass, Chekov was adorable, Scotty was, um, eccentric, Kirk was surprisingly pretty, Quinto held his own well enough against the legend that is Nimoy.
Only one thing bothered me.
Guys - I know you wanted to 'sex it up', but why did you have to do it like you did? You just had to stuff your only female character - the beautiful, brilliant, and (at least as I remember her) always professional Starfleet officer Uhura - into a out-of-nowhere 'relationship' with one of your male leads. And there was me thinking it was cool that Uhura and Spock were friends. I should have fucking known better, eh, Hollywood? And as for how OOC it was for Spock... *takes a deep breath and calms down* Still, YMMV. Rant over. ;D
And that probably makes it sound as if it spoiled the movie for me. It didn't - but I'm curious as to how I'll feel about it when I see it again.
Anyway - I'll go back to geeking out with my mum over Spock and Kirk. It's making me wonder about her actually. I always thought she'd be appalled by the idea of K/S - and I wouldn't dare bring up the subject - but I suspect she's got some sort of the goggles on for those two. It's an amusing thought! ;D