8am on a new day

Sep 03, 2013 07:54

"How does it feel to be free again?" His voice comes over the phone, faded and soft.

"Strange." I admit quietly. "I have to be downstairs for the trainer in 20 minutes." I grimace. I would rather lie here in bed and talk to him on the phone all day.

"Be nice, Chul. He's just doing his job."

"When can you come for a visit?" I ask, wanting to change the subject. He is quiet for a moment, and I can feel the hope fading.

"I'll try." He says. It doesn't sound promising, but I will take what I can get.

"I miss you." I say, wishing I sounded more positive and happy.

"I miss you too. I'm glad you made it through."

It's on the tip of my tongue to say those three little words, but I don't. We're talking, and that has to be enough for right now.

"I'll call you later." I say, forcing a smile.

"OK. Don't be mean to your trainer." He says, and I can hear amusement in his voice, because he knows I'm going to ignore his advice.

"Bye, 'Kyung." I say.

"Bye, Chul." He whispers. I end the call, lay back on my bed, close my eyes and wonder if the way he said good-bye was actually I love you.

I can wish, can't I?
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