Day Three: Stegoceras

Jan 03, 2012 21:26

Had a dream last night in which a large group of people sealed themselves underground because for whatever reason the surface was inhospitable, and would be for generations to come if the preparations underway were anything to go by. What made this different from other scenarios of this story type, is that humans were living with sapient small dinosaurs.

One of the ones I was talking to, who was actually rather shy of humans, is most likely a Stegoceras though my dream wasn't specific. I had to go off of what I could remember of her size and dome shape, but the colors here are very close to what her coloration was. As far as other accuracies go, she's pretty close to what the animal should look like even if I took scale pattern liberties. Though I did have the benefit of the animal having a complete skull found, which is more than some other Pachycephalosaurs.

There were lots of other details that covered the preperations, like the stocks of fish, grains, vegetables, water and air. Along with the fact that we had modern technology at our disposal to keep everything running smoothly too, including a few futuristic devices too like stasis pods that people cycled through to keep supply use low. But of course, all I wanted to draw was the dinosaur.

Still, it's another incomplete background. Didn't feel like spending however many more hours it would take, which is one of the reasons yesterday's was so blah. At least I'm starting to get some of my speed back.

Originally posted at my dreamwidth account.

animals: dinosaurs, january challenge

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