friends for life

May 27, 2008 20:08

I waited so I could show this to some people in person before I put it online. Now it's time to show to the world!

I got my slime about two weeks ago. He's healing up nicely and it makes me happy every time I look at him! The artist was Bill Falsetta at Name Brand Tattoo. Highly recommended -- I was worried that he wouldn't be able to capture the character of the art I gave him, but he transfered the magic over to my skin perfectly. He was also very patient and helpful, and completely sympathetic when I had to ask him to stop for a few minutes so I could try not to pass out. The artist working next to him suggested some breathing exercises, and the guy he was tattooing gave me gum.

So yay!

Bill said the tattoo might bleed a little after he bandaged it. At home I took the bandage off, and there it was: a second slime!

euziere says I should under no circumstances post a picture of a slime made of my own dried blood. But if you're okay with that kind of thing, you can find it here.

awesome, slimes

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