[015: audio]

Apr 04, 2011 22:02

I think everything that needs ta be said's been said about our latest fiasco, so all I'm gonna say is while I don't appreciate bein' under the affect of the Nanomites or that the whole thing happened in the first place, I think it's pretty safe ta say violence breeds more violence, and it might be in our best interests to just move on with our lives. We're all still here, and things coulda been a lot worse.

I get wantin' revenge, I really do - not on this, maybe, but on other stuff - but it's a lot better in theory then in practice.

[Private to Martha]

I know you've probably got your hands full with people either makin' threats or comin' down ta make sure no one's makin' good on those threats, but if ya need an extra hand with security or anything while Rex is in there? Lemme know.

[Private to Capa]

Told ya it was broken. [It being the telescope. He's also just teasing you.]

What happened to the sun, where you're from, if you don't mind me askin'?

[Private to Kirk]

You need any help fixin' anything else, or did we get all that under control?

martha is my movie partner in crime, hnnnnnnng everything sucks, the barge isn't as fun as enterprise, that xindi thing taught me some stuff, grumpy trip is grumpy, not as upset as i should be, capa could be a vulcan, [game]: lastvoyages, gdi kirk stop stabbing me with things

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