[014: video & text]

Mar 20, 2011 23:51

[Trip is comfortably set up in the infirmary, or, as comfortably as one can be while death tolling because LOL someone got his ass murdered by Venom. He is also quasi high as a kite.]

I think I got killed by somethin' I've seen in a movie. Or somethin'.

... Back home, this one time, we ran inta these people from... the future, I guess. Happens a lot, sorta, back where I'm from. And I was dead in their future. Didn't even get ta really see my kid grow up. Again.

Might be stupid ta feel like the universe's out ta get me or somethin' but.

[He blinks heavily, wincing a little as he shifts on the bed. There's a long pause before he suddenly stares at the camera for a moment, brow furrowed sort of seriously.]

And Jim? You gotta find someone else ta pick on next time you get your ass possessed by somethin' and decide ta stab people with things.  I'd hate ta think we're developin' a pattern here.

[Private to The Fourth Doctor]

I'm real sorry for the way I acted.

[Private to B'Elanna]

That's possibly one of the worst first impressions I've managed ta make here. I'm real sorry I was such a jackass.

[Private to T'Pol]

I want to get her back

You remember Lorian

I'm real sorry about

I love

I didn't mean any of it.

we're like space romeo and juliet, communicating is hard, hnnnnnnng everything sucks, i die in every reality, the barge isn't as fun as enterprise, [game]: lastvoyages, gdi kirk stop stabbing me with things

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