Moving on up in my word count, aiming to reach the 20k mark tomorrow if all goes well. Potentially.
That aside i'm in one of those points in my story where the build up happens and motivation from me runs sort of low since there are so many scenes to set. While I don't edit chapters once I call them done for the NaNoWriMo sake, I do re-read to see where I was going with things and it's come to my attention that my jumping between groups might be confusing. It's not something which I can cut out thought for the sake of the plot, suddenly my idea seems all the more frustrating and far more work that i'd planned.
By the way things are looking now December editing is going to be a nightmare with re-writes, additions, removals and new things altogether. I wanted a project to keep me occupied for the month and I guess I ended up finding it alright.
For the sake of this writing though I should probably lay off playing Sonic Free Riders, i'm getting irrationally pissed off with the characters and so help me at this rate my plot is going to go south into character torture territories.
Either that or Shadow shall become limited to sounds only.
Additional note - Microsoft word is becoming my sense of speech. If words are getting messed up then I don't care. I'm all grammatically corrected out.