HEY. How's it going, one and everyone.
First off, WoW news (because it's basically the only other component of my life, besides work). A couple of weeks back I made Lieutenant Commander (PvP rank 10), and thus, have my
entire first set of PvP armour. Please marvel:
I'm aiming for Commander (rank 11) so I can get my pretty mounts, but with my server's honour newbs getting 500 000 honour a week (and I thought this week's 124 000 for me was good), I'm probably going to have to wait for the PvP marvels of patch 1.12 and the kiddies going back to school before I can make it. Also...when we hit level 70, my mage friend and I are going to farm Strat for the Baron's mount. FARM, I say.
In the pic, I'm wearing my Tabard of the Scarlet Crusade, which sort of looks like a Canadian flag. Also, Berto: what race/class are you?
Bianca: Phone date soon. My work schedule's been a bit over the place, either ridiculously late, or ridiculously early (so by later on in the day, my brain has entirely atrophied).
Frances: Happy slightly belated Birthday! I'm sorry again I wasn't able to attend...stupid work...
Paolo and I need to go to Duff's Wings again soon...perhaps on a day when I'm not working the next day. Andrew, I'm looking in your direction.
Iris: You're TOTALLY right, we need to nerd it out. And it must involve a trip to the Snail. Once again Andrew, I'm looking in your direction. And also Paolo, but I don't think he reads this.
Going up to the cottage later on mit Steve and eventually the guys (ie: Will & Simon). CAN'T BLOODY WAIT.
Because Ryerson was a BIG JERK and didn't let her in because of some minor technicality, Dyan is going to be volunteering with me at Ward next year. W00T!
I saw Glyndon at work today, which was awesome...haven't seen him in a while. We had a chat, but it was brief (stupid customer looking for stupid soap. Yes, we sell soap. Yes, we're a bookstore). I should get his email from Alberto. I should also talk to Alberto.
Lisa, I loved looking at your pics...I'm really glad Laura got the chance to visit! Yay! Also, I think I'm going to be a big nerd and buy the TARDIS playset...along with a few figures. There's a Regeneration two-pack with both Chris and David wearing the jacket...must...get. And also the pinstripe David. And maybe a Cyberman.
I bought the DVDs of Season 1 of "Are You Afraid of the Dark?". That's right. Man, what a great show....brings back memories. Everyone needs to go get it now, because 'it's the most fun in the park, when you're laughing in the dark!'. Ah, Zeebo the clown. And Dr. Vink! And Sardo! sigh...
I bought the newest Superman/Batman collection, and I was traumatised at the beginning because Superman kills some superhero who apparently had killed Lois. I suppose I'll find out what the hell's going on as I read...but seriously...it's traumatised me.
Well, there's a brief update of my life, in convenient bullet format. Hope you enjoyed.