Spoilers! (as River Song might say)
Demetri didn't die! I was surprised at how happy I am at that. I guess it's because it's been a major date in the story's development.
Just started showing on digital channel Virgin 1, so I'm only 3 epsiodes into the first series, buit I'm really enjoying it. It' would be my absolute favourite show right now, but...
Okay, I'll admit it, I was nervous before the broadcast of the new series. I knew I would enjoy it - it's Doctor Who, of course I'm going to enjoy it, but it was all so new and hyped that I was worried. As it turned out the worst bit is the new music; for me it doesn't sound like the Doctor Who theme at first, it felt like a delay before you got thrown into the adventure, rather than a "blast off" point.
How good is the new Doctor? and Amy is a great companion. I wish we'd seen a bit more of Amelia, but what a great concept and change to the companion backstory - waiting all those years for him to come back. (though I was a bit disapointed that she didn't seem more worried about the Doctor going off in the TARDIS without her to stop the Daleks)
The first story was great, the eye through the crack made me jump (even on second viewing). The theme throughout the series is a bit more specific than the Saxon or Torchwood references throughout past series, the revelation that Amy doesn't remember the Daleks was paced just right, an important point to the Doctor, and to us, the viewers, but not to Amy.
Daleks! Serving tea! Then New (should that be old? original? genetically perfect?) Daleks, although my first reaction to the five new colours was "merchandising opportunity" which was a bit unfortunate.
Was I the only one who on seeing Liz Ten's back thought it might be River Song? When River turns up and she's meant to be younger (not even a proffessor yet!) they keep meeting in the wrong order, how's that going to pan out as the character gets younger while the actress gets older?
In Future Sarah jane Adventure News:
It's been recommisioned for 2 more series (2010 and 2011) and, next season (mini drumroll)
Jo Grant and the eleventh Doctor are both going to appear in the next series!! Together! I'm more excited by this then by the gimpse of the Seadevils in The Eleventh Hour