(no subject)

Mar 27, 2007 01:40

I'm just so frustrated and irritated and distraught.

So I went to the temp agency a couple of weeks ago. I think it's been going downhill even before it began. I ended up getting the appointment time wrong and was a half-hour late to the meeting. I apologized and she seemed very forgiving and understanding that mistakes happen. It didn't seem like I'd made a bad first impression. I had a great feeling about the place when I left after the meeting. She liked me, she was impressed by my assessment scores, and she could see that I was ready for a change. However, I was told to bring two forms of i.d. with me to the meeting, but I wasn't told what those forms should be. Obviously, a driver's license, but I had no clue what the other one should be. Sometimes in the past, a credit card was sufficient, plus I had my Sam's Club card and my old (very OLD) UK Student i.d. I never thought that those wouldn't work. When she asked for my two forms, she said that it's usually a driver's license and social security card or birth certificate. I don't carry the latter two around with me, so I had to bring one back at a later time. She didn't seem to mind one bit. She said that it happens a lot because they're not allowed to tell people which forms of i.d. to bring. Whatever. Since my appointment was on Friday, I waited until Monday to take my S.S. card over there.

One of the things this temp agency does is require employees to call the office once a week just to let them know that they're still available and interested in work that week. Since I was going down there on Monday to take my S.S. card, I figured that was equal to me calling for the week. And she said just as much and wrote me down as available that week. I didn't hear from them all week long. I'm not the most patient person in the world, and I didn't think it would take this long to get some kind of work. Plus, I'm so ready to get the hell out of my current situation. So I went out of town the following weekend and didn't return until Monday afternoon. I was tired and too lazy to call on Monday and Tuesday, so I called the office first thing on Wednesday morning. I know, I know, if I'm so ready to get out of my current situation, why did I drag my feet on Monday and Tuesday? I might have missed some opportunities by waiting until Wednesday. Whatever. So I called the phone number that this woman wrote down on the "Contact Notice" that I had to fill out and sign. She wrote down two numbers next to the space for "Office Phone #" - one was an 800-number and the other was a local number. Well, it had a local area code, but the exchange wasn't one that I was familiar with (in a small city, you learn exchanges) and I knew it wasn't the same number for the office that was listed in the phone book. Still, I called the local number she had listed and got the voicemail. It said to leave my name, number, and a message and they would get back to me as soon as possible and that if the caller was calling in to work, to leave the place of business and supervisor's name as well. I wasn't calling in to work since I didn't have a job, so I just told her that I was checking in for work and left my name and number. Never got a call back. I tried again an hour and a half later and got the voicemail again. I didn't leave a message that time because I was afraid that I was being too impatient and pushy. I just wanted to know that what I had done was sufficient for their weekly call rule. I thought about calling the number on the woman's business card (which was the number for the office that's listed in the phone book), but again with the impatience and pushiness.

So I waited until yesterday to call again. It was a new week, so I figured I'd try again. I again called the number on the "Contact Notice". When I dialed it, it told me that I needed to dial a "1" or the area code which was weird because I didn't have to do that the week before (although I called it from my cell phone - maybe that makes a difference?). Tried the 800-number, but didn't dial "1" (she didn't write that down - shit, I don't know these damn things!) and was again told to dial blah, blah, blah, blah. So I tried the local number again, this time with "1" & the area code. She answered this time and I gave her my name and my purpose for calling. She sounded surprised and said that I had reached the emergency number which I supposed was to be used by employees only when they were calling in sick to work. I felt like a complete idiot, but no where on the "Contact Notice" did it state that these were "emergency numbers". It just says that this is contact information and that I, as the employee, should call a rep by phone between 9AM and 5PM for available work within two business days upon conclusion of each assignment and failure to contact them is considered a voluntary quit or termination. Also it says "I agree to contact the [rep] below by phone at least once per week when not on assignment with [agency] to verify my availability to work." There are a lot more things on this sheet, but no where is the word "emergency". She (I still don't know who "she" was - if she was the woman I had my meeting with or someone else in the office) said that she was out of the office at the moment and didn't know when she'd be back in and that I needed to call the office. She then asked me my name again and said that she would write me down as calling for the week once she got back to the office. I was mortified. I apologized and thanked her. After I hung up, I started crying. I have done nothing but prove myself to be a flake to this woman. I'm never going to get a job with them.

I decided not to rely on her to remember to write me down when she returned to the office, so I looked up the number in the phone book and called the office myself. There are two numbers listed for the office. The first number doesn't list the address of the business, but the second one does. I just assumed that the second number was the right one so I called it. Of course, I was wrong! Apparently it was the fax number and I was greeted by a loud screeching in my left ear. Why the fuck they can't list one number as the fax number in the book, I don't know. I waited a few minutes to call back and just left my name and the fact that I was available with some random worker. She looked and said that there weren't any openings that week, but she'd mark me down as available. Great.

I'm just so fucking frustrated. I'm such a flake and an idiot apparently. I'm disheartened and feel completely hopeless. I don't know what to do. On top of everything, I was really hoping to be quit from my current shit job and had told several people a couple of weeks ago that I was planning on quitting. Even my boss knew. But since I'm still there, I now look like I was just crying wolf and trying to evoke sympathy from my co-workers (most of whom don't want me to leave). szlgalsdjfslfjdalf;daljk;safd;joiwqt490u7tr3q[0tr532qWETU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That was my anger and frustrations being taken out on my keyboard in the form of gibberish.

I don't know what to do. I really am hopeless right now.

job hunt, work

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