(no subject)

Mar 04, 2007 07:22

Birthdays sometimes lead to reflection, so I re-read a lot of my journal recently. One thing I've really begun to dislike about my journal is that as time went by I began only making posts when I was stressed out and worried about things. Don't get me wrong, I think that it's entirely healthy to write about things that are bothering you, to help you sort things out and possibly get perspective from others-- but it makes for less gratifying self reflection a couple of months/years later. If I stumbled on my journal and didn't know me I'd walk away saying "Holy Shit, that is one stressed out girl", but I wouldn't know of all the happiness and excitement in my life.

For instance, I look back at my "getting married" entries and I see a girl who is stressed out about money, family, and all that jazz, but I don't see how utterly happily in love I was in my writings. I don't see (enough) of all the reasons I chose to say yes to Michael commited to "paper".

I come here to bitch about things, but I don't use this to capture moments in time when I am my happiest. I think that's kind of lame. I was just thinking about how happy and excited I was with the birth of my son, how the fact that I now have my very own beautiful family gives me such a sense of serenity and joy-- but I never write when I'm having a great time anymore. It's like I'm too busy enjoying life to write about it when times are really good, so as a result when I go back to read and reflect I don't read about things that make me smile. I read about a young woman becoming a not-as-young woman and all of her struggles but none of her joy at getting what she always wanted the most-- the child and husband of her dreams.
Oh well.

So, okay. Moving on. As I've mentioned in my last two entries, I am obsessed with the HBO original series "Rome". I urge all of you who have any interest in ancient Rome to go rent the first season at your local blockbuster (or on netflix.com, blockbuster.com, etc). I urge those of you who appreciate good acting to rent the series. I urge those of you who like beautifully filmed dramas to go rent it. While "Rome" is not technically historically accurate, they do consult with historians with the scripts. Seeing that the series has Julius Caesar, Marcus Junius Brutus, Marcus Tullius Cicero , Marc Antony, Cleopatra, etc, etc they did have to play a little fast and loose with a few of the timelines/series of events so on, but the show still makes great effort to try and touch on things we know to be fact even though it is not a "documentary", its a good old fashioned sex filled, Roman legion sporting, curse spouting character drama. I think mengus, montecristo, fearsclave, jayspec, and perhaps ninneviane and thebitingfaery would all quite enjoy this show. Sadly, the philistines at HBO have cancelled the series (season 2 is currently airing on HBO), but it's no fault of the show, trust me. It's just very expensively done, and you can tell. I think the show doesn't have enough viewers to justify the expense of the show to the bean counters in HBO. Pity. Anyway-- go watch the series even if I didn't name you.
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