015 // audio

Dec 28, 2010 10:22

To those who gave Erik presents: Thank you. I may not have expressed my gratitude adequately in the moment. I have never...


Thank you will suffice. I will use them all, I am certain.

[Private to the Baroness]
I am not entirely happy with you, Madmoiselle Ana. You said some things while I was under the influence of this Barge's nefarious effects which cannot but trouble me.

But I believe your intentions are not unkind. And your gifts are... [He struggles with this.] Thoughtful. I do not know if I... You presume much. But I believe you mean well.

[Note: Erik is now working the dinner shift, by the way. So you'll be seeing a tall formally-dressed guy with a mask unhappily slopping out potatoes or something.]

erik is actually trying for once, [last voyages] audio, [who] the baroness, [who] omega

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