013 // video

Dec 17, 2010 07:55

[Erik, dapper and proper as a gentleman in his top hat and evening coat, appears, masked. But his voice is fairly ebullient.]

I cannot say why, but I have been remiss in my duties as part of this wonderful conglomeration of people. So many, from so many different backgrounds, all getting along.

When you're not killing one another or being forced through some horrible ordeal. But! We adapt, we move on.

But I have been a poor host, and I suddenly find that regret too much to bear. Would anyone care for some company? I have some very excellent chairs, and many stories of far-off lands I might tell. Or I could come to you! Erik is easy to please.

[OOC: Open logs! Spam! Whatever! Erik has the mistletoe disaster upon him.]

[last voyages] video, [who] martha jones, [who] t'pol, [who] omega, [last voyages] spam, [who] victor frankenstein, erik is so fucking suave, [who] stephanie brown, [who] the baroness, [who] data, erik is not himself today, [last voyages] log

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