stolen from kelso out of sheer boredom.

Jan 15, 2007 11:20

The ABC's Of Me

The Letter A

Are you available?: Nope.
What is your age?: 17 almost 18..woot.
What annoys you?: a lot of things..we'd be here for a while.

The Letter B

Do you live in a big house?: No, I live in a pos house.
When is your birthday?: May 18th.
Who is your best friend?: Ashley, Jennifer, Jesseh, aaannndddd.......yeah...there are some others.

The Letter C

What's your favorite candy?: mmm.....twix.
Who's your crush?: Justin... :)
When was the last time you cried?: a couple of weeks ago.

The Letter D

Do you daydream? all the time.
What's your favorite kind of dog? German Sheppard..but I really don't care for dogs that much.
What day of the week is it? Monday...hoorah for no school and no work..yes.

The Letter E

How do you like your eggs?: scrambled...with salt and ketchup please.
Have you ever been in the emergency room? Once or twice...that was fun.
What's the easiest thing ever to do? blink.

The Letter F

Have you ever flown in a plane? Nope.
Do you use fly swatters?: haha...I used to hide them from my mom so she wouldn't whip me with them when I knew I was gonna get in trouble. haha. but
Have you ever used a foghorn?: No, but I want to.

The Letter G

Do you chew gum?: Yep.
Are you a giver or a taker?: That sounds all sorts of kinky.
Do you like gummy candies?: not really.

The Letter H

How are you?: Peachy.
What's your height?: tall enough to ride the rides!
What color is your hair? oh god..brown, black, burgundy, red...yeah, I need to redye it.

The Letter I

What's your favorite ice cream?: phish food bitches.
Have you ever ice skated? Nope..
Do you play an instrument?: somewhat..I'm no angus young or daniel mildren.

The Letter J

What's your favorite jelly bean?: uhm..the lemon ones.
Have you ever heard a really hilarious joke?: a couple of times.

The Letter K

Who do you want to kill? there's a few people I could name.
Do you want kids?: I don't really know, I used to want a million of them, but my perspective suddenly changed when I worked at jubilee daycare then sonic.
Where did you have kindergarten? at a school in wichita that I swear only had like ten white kids counting me.

Letter L

Are you laid back?: For the most part.
Do you lie?: Not usually.

The Letter M

Whats your favorite movie?: Pulp Fiction.
Do you still watch Disney movies?: I freakin' love disney movies.
Do you like mangos?: Yep.

The Letter N

Do you have a nickname?: A few.
What's your favorite number?: don't have one.
Do you prefer night over day?: Yep.

The Letter O

What's your one wish?: mmmm...
Are you an only child?: Nope...I have a big brother and a big sister.
Do you have at least one fear?: yep.
what are you most paranoid about?: iono....
What's a personality trait you look for in the opposite sex?: someone who makes me laugh, sings to me, knows the right things to say and when to say them, who'll basically be the sweetest guy on earth...oh, and he has to be a good kisser...*crosses her fingers for justin*

The Letter Q

Are you quick to judge people?: Sadly, yes.

The Letter R

Do you think you're always right?: Nope.
Do you watch reality TV?: No really. does miami ink count as reality?

The Letter S

Do you prefer sun or rain?: Rain...'tis pretty.

Do you like snow?: yep.
What's your favorite season?:fall.

The Letter T

What time is it?: 1117 am.
What time did you wake?: uh....sometime around 10.

The Letter U

Are you wearing underwear?: mmm...
Underwear or boxers?: boxer briefs.

The Letter V

What's the worst veggie?: brocolli and onions *gags*
Where do you want to go on vacation?: Back to florida bitches...I really wanna go to california though.
Where was your last family vacation to?: just about every state to the east of texas.

The Letter W

What's your worst habit?: smoking...I really should quit.
Where do you live?: Bumfuck texas.

The Letter X

Have you seen the X Games?: uh.
Do you own a xylophone?: No? o.0

The Letter Y

Do you like the color yellow?: Not really.
What year were you born in? '89
What’s one thing you yearn for?: Music.

The Letter Z

What's your zodiac sign?: Ge
Do you believe in the zodiac? Not really.
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