Great moments in politics on television

Mar 16, 2010 10:52

TV host Rachel Maddow to bozo politician (after going over details of legal rulings under discussion): "What you said [...] I don't think it's true, sir."

Bozo polician: "Well, that's fine. You and I can have a disagreement about that."

Maddow: "Well, it either is true or it isn't. It's empirical."

(Video clip)

This is one of the reasons I like Rachel Maddow. Whether one agrees with her political opinions or not, she works on the assumption that we live in a world where there are not just nebulous free floating opinions, there are also verifiable facts. She does her research. And if someone spouts talking points based on hot air and b.s., she's willing to call them out.

Really, this should be a basic component of reporting 101. Anyone who considers themselves to be a "journalist" or "reporter" as opposed to just a talking head or entertainer should have developed this skill set and use them routinely.

One of the things that makes Maddow stand out is the sad situation that so much of the "news" media doesn't even try.

television, rachel maddow, news, politics, tv

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