
Mar 09, 2010 21:22

Certainly there can be debate or discussion about what additional questions should be on the census. Though folks should be aware that questions designed to gather info to give a general picture of the nation have been in the census for more than a century and a half.

As to the much more basic question as to census, yes or no-- well, it's one of the very few things the Constitution REQUIRES the Federal Government to do. The Constitution gives authority that the United States CAN have an Army and a Navy, and the government MAY raise taxes, but it doesn't HAVE to. So if you're a strict Constitutionalist limited government type, you can be in favor of doing away with the U.S.'s armed forces and almost everything else the Government does-- but having Congress meet at least once a year and taking a census every 10 years are about the only things the Constitution demands the government MUST do.
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