Tuesday in Boston

Jun 26, 2007 17:16

Last night Ms. Hollie had a bipolar-bear attack, poor dear, but fortunately she's feeling better today.

Today we went to the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum which is super-cool. The namesake founder/collector organized it with personalized juxtapositions. It has the feel of a musem of a century ago-- which it is, since her will creating the museum trust specified that nothing is to be rearranged or moved, or else the collection is to be immediately sold off with the proceeds going to Harvard. Much beatiful stuff; I'd enjoy visiting again on a return visit to Boston.

Next to the Boston Public Library. Not to slight the works of John Churchill Chase at the main branch of New Orleans Public Library, but the work of John Singer Sargent puts our home town boy to shame. What a temple of librariness! Serious library envy! Some interesting exhibitions in addition to the striking murals.

Then, back to Cambridge, where we enjoyed some ice cream at Toscannini's before heading back here to the guest house to chill a bit before dinner.

new england, art, museums, travel

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