First full day in Boston/Cambridge

Jun 25, 2007 19:17

Part 1: Downtown Boston
After a light breakfast at our guesthouse, we took the T into town. We saw Boston Common, Beacon Hill, the Massachusetts State House (including the Sacred Cod), the Boston Atheneum (lots of nifty and pretty stuff there), a couple old burial grounds, North Church, and Faniuel Hall before lunch at Drugin Park. Passing through various statuary and the Holocost Memorial, we then took the T to Science Park.

Part 2: Science Museum
We met Tom K from a.r.k. by the Tyrannosaur statue outside the Science Museum. It was an old style Tyrannosaur, the type they had when we were kids, so this obsolete dinosaur was moved outside, with a more modern upgraded model Tyrannosaur taking its place inside.

Inside was brimming with STUFFS: Hands on exhibits! Obsolete computers! Minerals! Bones! Dubious taxidermy! Virtual fish! Live monkeys! Broken exibits! Tesla coils! Shocking demonstrations of the world's largest Van der Graaff generator! Newtonian physics demonstrated by wacky giant moving sculptures! Overuse of exclamation points!

Part 3: MIT
Tom, H & I met Plorkwort near MIT, across from where the Necco Wafer Factory used to be. She toured us around The Institvte, from up in the Pantheonic dome to down in the hidden tunnels, from Ancient Rome to Frank Geary modernist impractial, with various curiosities along the way.

Coda: Dinner
Plorkwort had to head out after the tour; Tom H & I had a good dinner at "Algiers".

We got a lot of Bostoning done.

new england, kibologists, museums, travel

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