(no subject)

Jun 11, 2005 22:43

Ok...story time, kids!

I have complained, many, many a time, about the speakers that are on my computer. As you know, they are incapable of producing any type of sound whatsoever, and for several years I was tortured without the availability of music, videos, etc. whilst I was online. Then, one day, I had the most amazing idea! Headphones! (I know, it's a shame it took me so many years to figure this out - I'm an idiot, shut up). So...I plugged in my headphones, and everything went just fine and peachy, until one day...my headphones disappeared! For days (Well, maybe about three minutes) I searched, high and low, in every room of this very house, but they are still in whatever location they have chosen to hide themselves. So, for about two weeks, I had to live, once again, without the sounds of the online world to guide me through my explorations.
And then a wonderful friend of mine, named Artemis, came to my house...and everything changed. We were visiting this web page that had music, and we truly wanted to listenn to these wonderful sounds, but we had no way to achieve our goal. But then I realized....I have another pair of headphones upstairs! After much heavy lifting and breaking of plastic, I was able to retrieve these headphones and take them back downstairs, only to plug them in, and be told, to my great astonistment, that the headphoens weren't working. What? How could this be? Will we ever be able to listen to the music that we desire so much?

And then it happened...

As she was examining the outlet for the headphoens on my computer, she noticed a strange little button....well, dial, actually...right beside this headphone insertion bit. Curiously, she turned the dial, and....-insert gasp of amazement here- we could hear our song! It was amazing, so many emotions flew through my head at once...a bit of relief, and happiness, that I could finally hear what I wanted to hear without the annoying presence of plastic and fabric over my ears, but mostly the emotion (if it can be called so) of stupidity arose within me, to an extent almost that it had never reached before. How could I have suffered through this extreme lack of sound throughout the many years that this computer has been in existence? I couldn't believe it. I was shocked, and amazed, and any other adjectives that mean about the same thing that you would like to insert at this point.

So, I guess I'm really trying to say...thank you, Artemis, for being smart enough to see what I could not, and for opening my ears to this wonderful new world of music and videos on the web, free completely of anything covering my ears, unless of course I feel the need to wear earmuffs, for it gets quite cold down here, especially in the winter. Thank you, dear friend, for laughing with me and getting that thing that was stuck to my forehead off for me. Thank you....without you, I would never have had the luck to discover that my computer actually does have a volume button, and that the speakers are not the devil after all. Thank you. And also thank you for correcting that typo just then.
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