(no subject)

Jun 10, 2005 12:31

Alright, so...I am, very surprisingly, bored at the lake. I never thought it was possible, but evidently I was wrong. I think I might go swimming in a minute.
Kind sucks though, cause I have to leave tomorrow at around 8 in the morning in order to get to practice on time. But it was worth it, I love it down here. This duck just came up at sat on the stairs on our pier last night, and wouldn't move for anything. Occasionally, she got up and swam around a bit, but for the most part, she just sat there. I got to within three feet of her, and she didn't even blink...not that duck's can blink or anything..well, I'm sure they can, in order to keep their eyes moisturized, so, yeah, I guess that saying really does work. Anyway, we think she's pregnant, and about to lay her eggs, and that's why she didn't move around much. We named her Gertrude.

Last night, I lay out on the pier for what must have been an hour, just laying there, looking at the stars. I know it sounds sappy, but they're so much brighter out here, and I could just gaze at them for hours. Course, I could do that at home, too, but you just don't get as much enjoyment from laying on your back porch than you do when you're out on the water. There was this one really bright one to the north-east, that was just gorgeous. And I think I saw Scorpio.
I felt so calm...so careless...I could just think, you know, and not be bothered by what was going on all around me. I wish I could do that more often.

In other news, I finally got a new prescription for my eyes, and some glasses. They probably look awful on me, but I'm happy with them, so what does it matter. At least now if I wake up late in the morning, I won't have to worry about not being able to see all day. Which will come in handy, seeing as geometry starts in...three days. Awesome. Goodbye, lovely, two-week long summer that I am going to miss so much...

So...I've started writing again...not that anyone really cares, but...I haven't written since I was like ten. I've made many attempts, but I just couldn't get into it. I think I might have finally gotten into it. Not that anything I've written is any kind of miraculous. Au contraire, tis quite on the lower side of mediocre, but as long as I'm satisfied.
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