Sigh. While I'm not a fan of stupid shows like Dancing with the Stars (I tend to prefer more intellectual programming or a good movie),
I'm horribly appalled by the rampant transphobia being displayed in light of Chaz Bono being on this coming season. And all in the name of (supposedly) protecting the CHILDRUNS and their precious innocence.
You know what parents should worry about more than some trans man shaking his booty on television? How well they're doing in school in spite of the lack of sleep they're getting. 8:00PM is a bit late for the kiddies to be up, after all. Better yet, maybe the so-called "parents" should self-analyze about how potentially damaging teaching bigotry to their children actually is instead of getting all damned huffy over their children learning (GASP*HORROR) that there are people that exist who are different than they are.
Seriously, get over yourselves and get your heads out of your holier-than-thou asses. Bigots.
(It never fails to piss me off when people bitch and whine about "THE CHILDREN" whenever homosexuality or transgender comes into the mix. Goddess forbid that kids, you know, learn something about tolerance towards sexual minorities.)