Jun 09, 2016 15:10
Sometimes I feel like defending Xander. This annoys me. It's not like I can stand the character or anything, but the hate... It's so pervasive that it's a little hard to take seriously when people reach so hard to make excuses for other characters.
Xander is the way he is on the show for a reason. He's a guy who grew up in a house that was at the very least verbally abusive, emotionally unsupportive and alienating. This informs just about every relationship on the show, particularly with the girls. He's a fucked up dude.
This doesn't make anything he does right, of course. I get not liking the guy and wanting him to go away. But if you're going to basically invent entire backstories (tragic, naturally) for someone like Faith who murdered people, then it's really unfair to not at least attempt to get Harris.
/random nonsensical rambling
buffy stuff