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May 23, 2010 02:54

DW 05-08, The Hungry Earth.....

(First of all: any allegorical connection to real-world events will not be addressed in this journal. This is my fannish space. No politics need apply.)

First impressions as the teaser set the scene:

--A kid who looks to be an actual character -- not bad. With a family, yet. In a scene that doesn't brand all families as horrible dysfunctional sinkholes of fail. And he's reading "The Gruffalo". Nice.

--Also, the drillers don't seem to be evil environment-destroying lunatics, but explorers in the vein of Professor Challenger (okay yeah Challenger was a lunatic BUT STILL). And they've got great camaraderie. I'd quite like them to survive this.

--I'd quite like Mo to survive too, kthx, but walking alone into a badly lit tunnel where the surveillance cameras have just failed? Not a good sign.

--For a site where they've only just managed to drill that deeply, it didn't take very long after the drill stopped for the fury from the deep (see what I did there?) to dig its way up to the surface.

--Was I the only one thinking "landsharks" at this juncture?~

Aaaand the episode starts. Brb, recording awesome dialog.

Doctor: "Big mining thing. Oh, I love a big mining thing." Very technical for the guy who probably knows every detail of how big mining things work.

Doctor: "And blue grass." *sticks his grass-blade sample in his mouth, starts to chew, and spits it out with a TRULY PRICELESS look of disgust*
Amy: *laughing* "Oh, please. Have you always been this disgustin'?"
Doctor: "No. That's recent."

Doctor: "Stay back, Amy! Stay away from the earth!"
Amy: *doesn't, as there's a fellow apparently in need of assistance, so she stays to help and OF COURSE the ground falls away under her feet and then it's all "Doctor, help, something's got me!"*

That face. THAT FACE. And then he grabs her hand and tells her to stay CALM, but not before yelling REALLY LOUDLY and making a lot more interesting faces, of which these are only a few:

We see here Amy's penchant for going quiet and serious when she thinks all is lost. And the Doctor's faces get really interesting. And sad.

The kid quotes Sherlock Holmes. WIN.

"Did you just say 'jungle planets'?" Ooh, you go, Nasreen.~

Oh, Doctor. If it's not walls, it's floors. (And if someone, at the end of the season, doesn't do a vid featuring all those OH HAY LOOK IT'S A WALL scenes, I shall be disappoint.<3)

Item 923468234 in the Doctor's pockets: a slingshot that looks handmade.~

Ambrose: "Him?"
Doctor: "Me! :D"

They did a bit too much in the little bit of time they had left. And I'm not convinced by the Doctor still being against weapons -- this time, against anyone having a weapon. Ambrose's husband has been taken; she wants to defend herself and her son, and the Doctor is asking her to trust him completely, even to the point of not having any offensive capabilities against whatever's coming to get them. He's asking rather a lot.

Eliot: "I want to live in a city. Soon as I'm old enough, I'll be off."
Doctor: "I was the same way where I grew up."
Eliot: "Did you get away?"
Doctor: "Yeah."
Eliot: "D'you ever miss it?"
Doctor: "......So much."

Ow. And then he lets the kid go home ALONE. Doctor, that is not how you repay Ambrose's trust.

Rory: "Can't you sonic [the door]?"
Doctor: "It doesn't do wood!"
Rory: "That's rubbish."
Doctor: "OI!! Don't diss the sonic!"

Love how the Doctor and Rory get a chance to bond (sort of). Rory gets to be a companion in his own right this ep -- he's not just hanging around wholly because of Amy anymore. Meanwhile, poor Amy, who was so afraid of suffocating when the earth grabbed her, wakes up in what seems to be a coffin, flails bravely, and is gassed into unconsciousness. I predict nightmarefic within a day or so.

And then, we get to see the new Silurian. Mask: decent solution to the problem of the canonical third eye. Also, MESH.

Alaya: "I am the last of my species."
Doctor: "No, you're really not. 'Cos I'm the last of my species and I know how it sits in a heart, so don't insult me."

Ambrose: "You're going to negotiate with these aliens?"
Doctor: "They're not aliens! They're Earth....lians!"

Eee, Nasreen has a TARDIS moment! She didn't say the requisite "bigger on the inside" line -- nobody has lately. Still waiting for that. But it was fun to see how delighted she was at the console room. Still... this separation and Tom's stingy venomy wound doesn't bode well for their future.

Aaaand cliffhanger! It would be really, really nice if everyone survived this. ;; *holds breath until next week*

*edit* So thaaaaaaaat's why the engagement-ring-and-future-Amy-and-Rory-on-the-hill scene seemed to come out of nowhere and never get referred to again -- there was a whole long lovely deleted scene to go with it! (Awww. AWWWWW!!!)

11th doctor, dw, reviews

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