Every school day starting when I was in grade school up until high school, my mom would tell me that a college degree provided more opportunities for people. That it was the biggest and most lasting gift that she could give me. When I was finally in college, I no longer needed the reminder.
The 9 year old me didn't understand it that much then, all I knew was doing my best at school made my mom happy and slacking off made her grumpy. I guess after I graduated college, I did realize how important education is. this is why I support 1Goal (damn this entry sounds like a really bad advertisement!)
According the the 1Goal website, 69 million children around the world are still not in school. A huge number which contradicts our (and most countries') Constitution which states that Education is a right!
Why is education so important?
"The provision of good quality basic education is a fundamental human right for every child across the world but it is also means a lot more than that - accessing good quality education changes individuals’ lives and benefits society as a whole:
Children who go to school are healthier, less vulnerable, and more likely to contribute to the development of society.
Getting children into school is the best route to ensure economic growth.
Access to good quality education transforms the life chances of women and girls.
Every additional year of formal schooling for boys reduces the risk of them becoming involved in conflict by 20%
A child who goes to school will earn an extra 10% for every year of schooling they complete
Children who complete primary education are less than half as likely to be infected with HIV compared with those who have not attended school"
If you also believe that education provides more opportunities, please support 1GOAL.