IMB/IBB 2013: Art Class

Jun 16, 2013 18:10

Title: Art Class

It was terrible luck that Dongwoo hadn’t made it in time to register for the hip hop dance class that he had originally wanted to take. He heard that a great choreographer from the United States was going to teach it, too. He let out a huge sigh and looked around the class room. Despite his earlier disappointment he signed up for an art class. Drawing and sketching were amongst his hobbies, only second favorites to dancing.
He tapped his pen on his empty sketch pad and smiled kindly greeting every person who walked in. Most girls blushed and giggled at him before moving to sit far away to whisper with their friends. The males normally returned the gesture and sat around the blond dancer. Despite not getting to dance he was pretty excited about the class none the less.
“Alright class welcome, welcome. My name is Miss Jung Karin. I see a lot of new faces here so I will gladly explain this class a bit.” She paused to push her thick rimmed glasses up her nose and to stare down all the new people before continuing, “In here there is no outer world of shame. Any thoughts of disgust of the naked human body should be left outside where you first picked it up. Here, we appreciate the body of all kinds. Big, small, full, thin, a dimple here and freckles there, the beauty mark of a mole flecked on otherwise flawless skin!”
Dongwoo shivered. Teacher Jung’s excitement had shocked him. He was very pure, that he could admit to. His features were sharp and intimidating but he was harmless. The teacher was right. He had learned that the naked body was not to be exposed. It was not allowed in public. He then gulped and turned a shade of red. Did this mean that he would be naked? He looked around the room nervously. Everyone WAS dressed pretty comfortably. He wiped his sweaty palms on his jeans letting out a deep breath, he had signed up for a naked art class, great. Wait did those exist?
“Now, please welcome our model for today.”
Or not. Dongwoo looked around as people began to set up easels and sketch pads. Some had brought out paints and brushes. One guy even pulled out some clay. Dongwoo assumed it was a free for all art class. He looked at his sketch pad and pencils feeling underprepared.
“Hello, when I say “Ho” you say “Ya”.”
Dongwoo looked up to the front to see a male standing next to the teacher. He wore a tight fitting blue shirt and faded blue jeans; his hair was styled into a faux hawk allowing a better view of his handsome face. His skin was tinted with a hint of a tan and when he smiled it revealed perfect teeth lighting up his mischievous brown eyes.
“Just kidding, my name is Lee Howon but I go by Hoya so you can call me that please. I’m studying to be a doctor like my father but if you asked me what I really want to do I’d tell you that I dream of becoming a dancer and performer.”
There was another dancer, like him? Dongwoo began to clap excitedly succeeding in drawing attention to him. He looked around and blushed again before bowing his head, “S-sorry.” He apologized.
“It’s okay, I was done anyway.” Hoya smiled at him.
“Ok! Well, you can stand right there Hoya-ssi and just pose comfortably, okay?”
Howon nodded and stood on the small platform. He placed his hands in the pockets of his tight jeans before looking off slightly to the side.
Dongwoo smiled to himself thinking how handsome the other male was before beginning to draw on his pad.

Dongwoo left the class feeling light. He couldn’t believe that such a handsome man was their subject. He stepped into the elevator punching the button to the first floor and waiting for the allotted minutes before the doors would close. He leaned his head back against the cool elevator wall. A ding caused him to open his eyes as a hand stopped the doors from closing.
“Hello.” The other male greeted.
“Hi.” Dongwoo returned to the model from his class as he stepped in. Despite himself he was smiling and staring at the other man.
“Mind pushing the button again?” Hoya asked catching the other man’s stare.
“A-ah yes! S-sorry!” the blond pushed the button and bit his lip feeling stupid for blanking out like that.
The ride down was quiet. They were only a few floors away from the end of their ride when Hoya broke the silence,
“So, is this your first time in the class?” the model asked.
“Yes, I didn’t make it in time to sign up for the other class I wanted so I went with my second choice. It’s mostly just to give me something to do, you know?”
“Ah, I see. This is my second year modeling. I’ve never just stood there in front of people. I walked a few shows before. This was more unnerving.”
“Oh, but you said you like to dance, have you danced in front of people?”
Hoya chuckled shaking his head; he felt very comfortable with the smiling blonde; and he liked it.
“Well, technically I have, but dancing is different from just standing there.”
“Ahh.” Dongwoo nodded.
The doors opened and both the males stepped into the busy lobby. Dongwoo noticed students walking out of the gym sweaty and chatting excitedly as they patted themselves with towels. From how they were dressed he could tell they were from the dance class. Hoya followed the blonde’s gaze and saw the dancers. He then remembered the earlier enthusiasm and it became clear, the other male liked to dance too.
“The class you wanted was dance?” Hoya gathered.
Dongwoo blinked a bit and looked at the model as if suddenly remembering he was there. The other man had a serious look on his face and still managed to look quite handsome. Dongwoo smiled and shook his head, “Yup, but you know, “Early bird gets the class”. I had to cover a shift for a pal of mine back at work and didn’t make it in time.”
Hoya nodded his head; good reason.
“Well, I guess I’ll see you next week then?” Hoya asked. Dongwoo nodded furiously then suddenly flushed embarrassed at showing so much enthusiasm, “Hey what’s your name?”
Dongwoo cocked his head blinking, “My name? Oh! It’s Jang Dongwoo. I forgot that I only know your name!” he began to laugh loudly at his blunder. Howon smiled, he liked the way the other male laughed.
Later that night Dongwoo was cleaning up the table when he saw his bag. He walked over to it and pulled out his sketch pad opening it to the picture he had drawn of Hoya. He couldn’t help the smile that spread on his face.
“Hey, Who’s that?!”
Dongwoo nearly jumped out of his skin. His roommate had somehow crept up behind him unnoticed. Sungyeol was a giant with a quiet foot compared to Dongwoo’s hard steps.
“That’s just the model for the class I’m taking.” He smiled handing the book to his roommate.
“I thought you were going to dance?” Sungyeol asked taking the pad and admiring the drawing. Dongwoo was a dancer and apparently and equally good artist.
“Well I WAS going to go first thing last Friday, but I had to cover SOMEBODY’S shift.” Dongwoo made sure that Sungyeol felt every ounce of guilt for skipping out on his shift to run off with Myungsoo. It was a busy day at the restaurant, too.
“I know, I know, I’m not worthy of your friendship or of your mercy! I’m a worm! The lowest of low, and to apologize I already talked to the manager and arranged for us to get off early next Thursday!”
Dongwoo huffed blowing his bangs out of his eyes, “You only did that because your birthday is on that Friday and you want to party for the whole weekend.”
Sungyeol tried to keep a straight face but failed miserably as he broke into a grin. Dongwoo couldn’t help but smile back at the tall idiot. They were friends for a reason.
Dongwoo walked, or rather danced, on his way to class the following week. He was going early but wanted to stop at his favorite coffee shop before settling into class. He walked in and was instantly greeted by the barista.
“Hey! Dongwoo-hyung!” the young male welcomed smiling from behind a complicated looking coffee machine.
“Hey there, Sungjong. Now I wouldn’t be a good hyung if I didn’t ask; how did the exam go?”
The pretty boy shrugged before flashing a V, “Aced them.”
“Yeah! Good job! Well as promised, here’s your money.” Dongwoo happily fished out a bill and gave it to the boy, “And I’ll take my usual to go please, I got to get to a class.”
Sungjong took the bill and stuffed it into his apron before beginning to work on the drink he had made countless times, “Hyung you know sugar and caffeine can’t be too good for you if you’re going to be dancing, especially with your bagel.” The teen commented, yet didn’t stop pushing buttons and grabbing ingredients.
“Yeah, I didn’t get into the class. I had to cover a shift for Sungyeol so I missed the deadline.” Dongwoo explained flipping through a magazine that was on the counter.
“Aish, that bug eyed hyung. Is he still seeing that teacher?”
“Myungsoo? Yeah, he is. He says they’re not dating though. I don’t believe it, just a day ago he went out on a date with some guy he met at work, yet he ended up calling Myungsoo to go over and watch a movie.”
“Well you know how Yeollie hyung is; he’s not the type for titles like “boyfriend” or “lover”. Maybe they’re just comfortable as is,” Sungjong sighed setting a brown bag and a Dongwoo’s coffee down in front of him, “well you’re all set.”
“Thanks, how much is it?”
But before Sungjong could answer a familiar voice cut him off, “I got it, and I’ll take my usual to go too, Sungjonggie.” Hoya slid into the seat next to a shocked Dongwoo. Sungjong, usually a moody teenager, looked absolutely ecstatic as he began making the order with a more than excited, “Yes Hyung.”
“You remembered my name? Good, at least I won’t feel bad for knowing yours, Dongwoo.” He chuckled.
“Hehe, yeah! Uh, so you come here a lot too?” Dongwoo asked leaning against the counter.
Hoya nodded grabbing a cookie off the open tray; despite his back being turned he knew that nothing got by the young boy working there, “I come here to do homework, but only when Sungjonggie is working, he plays good music and it helps me focus.”
Sungjong placed a brown bag similar to Dongwoo’s in front of Hoya along with his drink and taking the credit card that was waiting for him.
“You know Hoya-hyung, Dongwoo-hyung is a really great dancer. You should take him out some day, he’s single.”
Dongwoo began choking on the small sip he had taken of his drink and began coughing loudly. Hoya reached over to pat the other male’s back. Dongwoo held up his hand to signal that he was fine, face red from choking and embarrassment.
“Y-YAH! Sungjong! Don’t go saying stuff like that out loud!” he scolded the younger male.
“Sorry hyung.” But he looked far from being apologetic as he smiled looking from Hoya to Dongwoo.
“Yeah Jonggie, I’m sure Dongwoo has a whole throng of girls chasing after him, he probably has no time to go out with some random guy.”
“Oh but hyung likes guys.” The youngest stated bluntly.
The walk to the school was awkward. Hoya had a straight face the whole walk and had seemed out of it since they left the café. He had already bumped into people and had almost gotten ran over by a biker. As for Dongwoo, he couldn’t shake the blush from his face. The young male had really worked him up. He wasn’t exactly closed about his sexuality, but it’s not like every guy he met was a potential mate. But, was Sungjong telling the truth about Hoya or was he just messing with him. He did know the model though.
When they reached the elevator both men had reached out to push the button causing their fingers to touch. The way they pulled away you’d think they were burned. And all along the ride up to the 10th floor was a quiet one except for the occasional sip of a drink.
“S-so, what are you drinking?” Dongwoo asked trying to at least lessen the awkwardness.
“Me? Oh, a white chocolate mocha with raspberry. I also have a cream cheese bagel with raspberry marmalade on it. Their marmalades are awesome.”
“Get out! I have the cream cheese bagel with strawberry marmalade! And I’m having almost the same drink, but with strawberries.”
“What a coincidence huh?”
That seemed to work as the two stepped off the elevator and went to a small lobby that if you looked over the railing you could see all the way down to the first floor. But there was a set of comfortable chairs and a small coffee table. They each took a seat across from each other and took out their still warm pastries.
“So if you like to dance, why are you studying to be a doctor?”
The brunet shook his head as he licked some cream cheese off his fingers, “Well, my dad is a doctor, and my grandfather was a doctor too. My dad hopes to one day retire and wants me to take over the family clinic.”
“But that hardly seems fair. I mean, you should be able to do something you like.”
Howon shrugged, “I can’t say I don’t like it though. Through high school I helped out my father. I guess you can say I was kind of a nurse.” Howon paused to chuckle and sip his drink, “Anyways, I learned that I enjoy helping people almost as much as I love to dance.” He finished taking a bite into his bagel and moaning, “You gotta’ try this, it’s great.” He said through his mouthful.
“Maybe next time.” Dongwoo laughed as he too took a bite out of his treat.

Dongwoo was flushed. Today the all too familiar model was standing center stage again, this time without a shirt.
He’d be lying if he didn’t admit that looking at the contours and the dip of abs didn’t get his skin fevered. He gulped and swiped his tongue across his lips in attempt to moisten them. Hoya was playing havoc on his hormones and the poor man was only standing.
Dongwoo could easily see why he chose modeling. Hoya could be in a magazine though, not here. He should be in a magazine. Calvin Klein should be dying to see how sexy this man made his name look peeking out of dark blue jeans.
Dongwoo shook his head, he had to focus. He looked up again only to look at his easel quickly, face crimson.
After the class Dongwoo left right after the dismissal. The hallway felt cooler than the class room. Or maybe it was just Hoya who was having the effect on him.
“Hey, hyung. Why’d you leave so fast?”
Speak of the devil. Hoya was smiling as he entered the elevator his shirt only half way buttoned. Dongwoo gulped and put on a smile to hide his embarrassment,
“I forgot I had a late shift today.” He lied, today was his day off.
“Ohh, well don’t you think the stairs would have been faster?” Hoya laughed. The metal doors opened and a gust of air blew his shirt opened revealing the tanned abs; Dongwoo’s face flushed as he saw every bit of the body he’d just drawn now up close.
“Y-You’re right! Th-thanks Hoya!”
Without thought, as if his feet were moving on their own he bolted out of the doors and straight to the stairwell. Later he cursed his idiocy walking home. Hoya would probably think he didn’t want to be around him now. Which would be a lie; he just couldn’t be around Hoya and have anything but friendly thoughts.
Dongwoo sighed as he soaked in the tub. How long had it been now since his last boyfriend? He growled into the soapy water making bubbles. He remembered how his ex-boyfriend had tried to get him to have sex, but at the time he wasn’t ready. His thoughts turned to Hoya. Would Hoya be the same way, too? With a huff he pulled the plug and stepped out of the bath. He was being ridiculous thinking about him and Hoya dating.
He was toweling his hair as he exit the bathroom in his bath robe. He stopped in the living room when he noticed Myungsoo and Sungyeol on the couch. They weren’t doing anything, just watching television. Sungyeol’s leg was resting on the thin teacher’s thighs while getting a foot rub from the raven haired man. Myungsoo looked up and smiled waving at him causing Sungyeol to notice his roommate in the room.
“Ah! Dongwoo-hyung! This is Myungsoo!” Sungyeol exclaimed.
Both tall men had stood up from the couch, Sungyeol’s smile looked like it was about to stretch off his face. Myungsoo approached Dongwoo to shake his hand while Sungyeol hung behind to point at the man giving his roommate thumbs up and nodding franticly. This only made Dongwoo laugh a bit.
“Nice to finally meet you, my name is Kim Myungsoo.”
“No, it’s nice to finally meet you! I’m Jang Dongwoo!”
Both shook hands and exchanged short pleasantries before the blond excused himself for the night. Sungyeol begged him to stay up with them but Dongwoo insisted that he was tired. In the end the pair had left to get coffee.
In his room Dongwoo looked out of his window looking at nothing in particular. His thoughts were of Myungsoo and Sungyeol. They looked so comfortable together. They really didn’t need to make it official; they had already fallen into being a “couple”. In fact Sungyeol’s dates had all ended for the time being. Maybe the two didn’t need a title. He sighed and shivered. His hair was a bit damp and he hadn’t put on slippers since he left the bath. He closed the window hoping it would put a stop to the draft he felt in the room. Crawling under the blankets he yawned.
Body and mind relaxed he lay under the covers, thoughts of Hoya swimming in his head. His thoughts had turned heated quickly causing a stirring in his lower regions. He whimpered contemplating pleasuring himself, “Aish Hoya… What have you done to me?”

Dongwoo woke up to shaking. He opened his eyes and saw Sungyeol sitting beside him looking at him smirking.
“Hyung, why didn’t you tell me about that Hoya guy buying you coffee?!” Sungyeol looked excited as he began shaking him again.
Dongwoo laughed and groaned together.
“Stop! You’re going to give me whip lash!” once Sungyeol stopped he sat up hair disheveled, “And there’s nothing going on with me and Hoya. How did you hear about him anyway?” he asked.
“I have an anonymous source.” Sungyeol laughed.
“I’m going to have to kill Sungjong.” Dongwoo deadpanned.
“Yah! How did you know?” the brunette shrieked shocked.
“I didn’t, you said your source was anonymous, not anymore.” Dongwoo laughed falling back onto his pillow.
“You’re a genius you know?” the tall brunette stared shocked at how easily he fell for the trap.
“Not really, you’re just easy.” Dongwoo laughed swinging his legs off the bed walking towards the bathroom, Sungyeol followed suite.
He was there when he brushed his teeth. There when he brushed his hair. There at the table while he ate, and there on the couch while he tried to watch television. All the while he just stared with that weird look on his face that screamed “Tell me, tell me, tell me!”
“Aish! What?” the dancer finally snapped standing up to get a bottled water from the fridge, Sungyeol turned around and leaned over the couch in anticipation.
“Tell me! About Hoya! Why did he buy your stuff? Is he into you? Are you into him? Why are you keeping him a secret?!” Sungyeol demanded grinning.
Dongwoo took a sip of water and let out a hefty sigh, “He’s the model for my art class and-”
“Wow! You landed a model?!” Sungyeol loudly interrupted.
“Are you going to let me talk?” Dongwoo growled a bit frustrated at the tall brunette. Sungyeol zipped his lips and motioned for the elder to continue, “Anyway, he’s a model for my art class. We’ve only talked these few days that I’ve gone. And we’re NOT dating or anything. It’s only been two days. Two days out of two weeks mind you.”
“But hyung, He likes you.” He motioned for the other to come in closer, which Dongwoo complied with, “Sungjonggie told me that he’s been going in everyday for a week now.”
“What? Why?”
“Well, Jonggie said to study mostly but he figures you go often enough to “run in” to one another. You should totally go tomorrow in the morning!” he whispered excitedly.
“Can’t, morning shift.”
“Okay, after work?”
“Nope, I already told Kiseoppie I’d cover his shift.”
“Dang, I have a date with Myungsoo tomorrow night.”
“Oh yeah, he seems nice.” The blonde smiled remembering the thin teacher.
“Isn’t he!? Oh, My, Gosh hyung he’s the sweetest teacher ever! Once I went to his class…”
Dongwoo was happy the conversation seemed to have turned away from him for a while.
The thin dancer could feel himself getting sick as the day progressed. His throat was itchy and he’d get a fever off and on which he quailed with aspirins. By the third day he was feeling worst and decided to tell his boss who switched his shift with Yoseob, who didn’t complain. He was genuinely worried about his friend and happily agreed.
Stopping by the small grocery store by their apartment he picked up plenty of teas and soups to help combat the cold he’d caught. He knew he should see the doctor but truth was; he was scared of needles. Later that night his fever spiked and he knew he’d have to go eventually. Reaching for his pills he swallowed them before turning over to try to sleep again. He’d go when he’d awaken.
He sat up and groaned feeling the room spin. He hated being sick. His head pounded. Throat felt like he had swallowed needles. And his clothes felt damp.
“Yeol-ah.” He croaked out with effort. When had his throat become so swollen? He smiled at his tall roommate when he walked in, “Sungyeol-ah, can you cover my shift today? I think in a little I’ll get up and go to the doctor.”
Sungyeol nodded, “If you want I can drive you there before I go in.”
Dongwoo smiled weakly at his roommate, this is why he loved him.
The ride only took them twenty minutes. Had Dongwoo taken the bus it would have been longer. He thanked Sungyeol and apologized as well. Sungyeol had to cancel his date with Myungsoo, but Sungyeol insisted he didn’t worry; they ended up working out a mini date during Sungyeol’s lunch break.
Dongwoo wrapped his sweater around his body tighter but nothing could combat the chill. He huffed and shifted in the uncomfortable chair. Being still was not his specialty. Even now when he had caught a cold he shook his leg out of habit. He hated the hospitals, they meant sickness, death, and needles; and he hates needles.
“Jang Do-Dongwoo?”
He opened an eye hearing at the sound of his name. Standing by an opened door was Howon. Dongwoo was about as confused as the model turned nurse who was calling him into a room.
Inside the room Hoya flashed a light in each of Dongwoo’s eyes. Then the routine stick your tongue out, say ah, hit here with a little hammer, giggle, that being Dongwoo of course. It wasn’t until Hoya began breathing on the stethoscope to warm it up did things get a bit; uncomfortable. The brunette cleared his throat before swallowing thickly.
“Um, I’m going to need to, uh, get under your shirt to d-do this. J-just t-take a deep breath then let it out slowly.”
Normally, Howon would be cool and check out a patient’s stats easily. But something about sliding his hand under the big sweater made him tremble. Or maybe it was the hint of creamy skin or the accidental brush of his knuckles against smooth warm flesh that made him nervous?
Finally he moved away to scribble on Dongwoo’s vitals chart.
“So, when did this happen?” he asked leaning against a shelf.
“Well, a few nights ago, after my bath I walked around the house a bit and forgot to wear slippers. And the window in my room was open so my room was cold. Oh and I fell asleep without letting my hair dry properly, but I was tired.” He took a minute to cough softly, “But I started feeling ill about two days ago.”
Hoya nodded writing the statement down. Then he clicked his pen and placed it in his coat chest pocket before walking to the door and placing the clip board in a container mounted on the wall for one of the other nurses to get.
“Well the good news is that it’s just a small cold. Bad news is that you have a bit of a throat infection forming, but I’m sure we can prevent it with some penicillin, and I’m going to prescribe you some strong ibuprofen and request some bed rest. You should be back to normal in a few days.”
“You sure do sound like a real doctor.” Dongwoo laughed weakly.
“I said you sound like a real doctor. You know, because you’re a model. I guess I should call you Doctor Hoya from now on.” He chuckled “and I would have never guessed that you wore glasses.” Dongwoo laughed a bit more.
This made Howon smile, “Doctor by day-”
“Stripper by midday?” Dongwoo finished for him causing the other male to pop him on his head with a lollipop.
“I’m a model, not a stripper!” he chided, “And you can call me Howon. It’s my real name.” His ears had turned red and this made the ill blond laugh before being hit by a coughing fit. Howon rushed to him with a cup of water, “Try not to strain yourself.”
“Sorry.” The elder apologized taking the water. He eyed the lollipop as he chugged the offered refreshment, “Is that mine too?”
“Hm?” Howon looked at the sucker and grinned, “No, you’ve been the worst patient I’ve ever had.” He scoffed feigning offense, “Calling me a stripper before boldly asking me out on a date.”
“Wh-what? I didn’t ask you out on a date!” the accusation made Dongwoo burst into another fit of coughing. Howon began to pat his back in an attempt to lessen the attack.
Once he saw the other calm down he smiled, “You’re right, I asked you on a date, pretty boldly too, right? When our next class is over, go out to lunch with me?”
Dongwoo searched Howon’s face for any signs of trickery, but found none.
“W-well, I-I, y-yeah. Sure.”
“Good, because Sungjong is unforgiving. Love the kid but you’d think that going a whole week would merit a discount.” Howon laughed. Dongwoo joined him trying to act like he didn’t get the reason.
Back home Dongwoo huddled on the couch sipping hot tea while watching television. Actually, the television was watching him. His thoughts were back at the clinic with the young doctor in training. He had promised Howon a date after their next class in a few days.
He liked Howon that was certain, but was it all to fast? Only two days ago had he met the model. Then he was treated to a coffee and pastry only the next week right before drawing the man shirtless.
Was it like or lust?
Suddenly a fit of coughs hit him, his head hurt too from all the thinking, would he even be fit enough to go on a date? A clicking sound let know that his roommate was home from work.
“Dongwoo-hyung~” he called out in a sing song manner, “Hey, how’d it go at the doctors? I brought you some chicken soup from work by the way, the boss sent it, and he said to get well soon.”
Dongwoo smiled in appreciation at his roommate and friend and got up to join him at the table.
“My visit was eventful.” He hummed sitting down. Sungyeol gave him the ‘Oh Really?’ look, “Well, you won’t believe who I ran into at the clinic.”
“Your ex?” Sungyeol tried.
“What?! No!” this brought on more coughing, he needed to stop getting so excited.
“Well I wouldn’t believe that!” the brunette complained patting the choking man’s back.
“You’re too loud, let me talk!” Dongwoo scolded as he took the lid off the hot soup his mouth watering instantly, now that he thought about it he was pretty hungry, “I ran into Howon.”
“Who?” Sungyeol asked grabbing a spoon and scooping out a spoonful of the broth and sipping it.
“The model from my class. Would you stop that you’ll catch my cold!” he reprimanded accompanied with a slap to the spoon holding hand, “Anyway, I forgot he had mentioned that his father owned a clinic. I didn’t think it’d be that clinic.”
“Oh wow! Did you two play doctor? Did he ask to look under your shirt, and then your pants, ‘Oh doctor, there seems to be some swelling!’ Haha!” Sungyeol began to boom with laughter, even more when he saw how flushed the ever innocent Dongwoo’s face was.
“You’re a pervert! And no, he was actually very professional!” Dongwoo griped taking another spoonful and dipping some of the warm bread that the manager had sent to compliment the soup.
“Well that’s cool. Did anything happen at all?”
“Well. He asked me out on a date.”
“Whaaaat? Seriously?! You said yes right? Tell me you said yes!” Sungyeol had got up to get them some drinks. He grabbed a soda for his self while serving Dongwoo some orange juice.
“But I don’t know if I want to go.” The elder blonde whined jutting out his lip. It was only true, he was scared.
“WHAT? Why not?!” the tall boy exclaimed while almost spilling the drinks. He sat down heavily, his almond eyes wide with disbelief.
“Yeollie, I haven’t been on a date with a guy since my ex! I don’t even know what to do anymore.” He complained.
“Hyung?! Are you not a man?!” Sungyeol exclaimed slamming his fists on the table. But Dongwoo knew wasn’t angry, just passionate.
Dongwoo just sipped his soup and chewed a chunk of chicken. He really didn’t know what to do anymore. It was clear over a year that he and his ex-boyfriend had broken up and even he knew that it was more than enough time for him to start getting back out on the scene, but it was hard and he really was afraid.
“Do, NOT let this one slip through those boney fingers of yours, hyung. Do you hear me?”
“… Yeah.”
Dongwoo took a deep breath clearing out his mind. He looked up to the front of the class and his cheeks flushed pink. Although he and Hoya were friends of sort, it did nothing to lessen the embarrassment he felt at seeing so much of him. Today Howon stood in nothing but some tight fitting boxer briefs. Dongwoo shook his head as he eyed the other male’s basket.
‘No, stop. You can’t think of Hoya that way now. He’s become your friend. I mean sure, it’s only been two classes and a few random encounters in between, one at the café and one at his father’s clinic; but who’s counting?’
He began sketching again and looked up to see Hoya staring at him.
‘Ah! Why does he look at me like that?’ He panicked, ‘Maybe it’s because he’d rather look at some one he’s familiar with so that he doesn’t have to look at nothing.’ ‘Yeah, that’s it! Just smile at him.’
And he did. He looked up again and slowly smiled. Hoya saw and returned the gesture.
‘See, easy!’ he congratulated himself, ‘Oh shut up, wait why am I arguing with myself?’ ‘Good question.’ ‘Stop talking!’
“Okay class, let’s stop there. Its fifteen minutes until leaving time. Let’s give Hoya a break, he must be tired.”
“Thank you Teacher Jung.”
Howon walked behind a screen and began to get dressed and the teacher began cleaning up her desk while the class put things away.
“So class, how is everyone feeling about this class? Anyone want to show us what they’ve done?” The teacher looked around as many looked shy about showing their works, “Okay, well if you won’t, then I’ll go first.”
Howon had come out from behind the screen pulling down his shirt. Dongwoo licked his lips catching the last glimpse of chocolate abs. He shook his head as Howon took a seat next to him smiling.
“This here I call, Youth in Bloom.” The teacher informed revealing the picture. In it, Hoya was there in his briefs surrounded by roses. It looked really cheesy, straight out of an equally cheesy fantasy. There were scattered claps around the room and the teacher swelled.
One girl, a busty one at that, walked to the front looking confident. She was beautiful. Tall, long brown hair that fell in waves at the end and nice almond shaped eyes.
“This work I call, Fifty Shades of Hoya.”
When she revealed the picture there were gasps from around the room. The teacher had even removed her glasses to bite on one of the temples. In the picture Hoya stood shirtless, but where there should have been underwear were leather pants. Across his chest was a harness that looked like an “X” and the whole background was black, Hoya was in shades of gray and white. Howon looked at it and gulped, he looked shocked and his mouth turned into a thin line, the color draining a bit from his usual tanned skin. The girl smiled and blew him a kiss before returning to her seat.
“My, oh my Miss Mai, it’s sexy, erotic, and dark. Very nice, very nice indeed! Anyone else want to display what they’ve done?”
The model looked over to Dongwoo’s canvas as the other looked around smiling and waiting for someone to volunteer oblivious to the eyes on his art.
“I think Dongwoo would like to show his work.” Howon offered.
“Ah! Okay, come on up, come on up!” The teacher clapped overjoyed seeing a male volunteer.
Dongwoo looked around for a moment before Howon’s words registered. His eyes widened and he looked at the nurse who only smiled at him and encouragingly pushed him to stand up. He stumbled his way up to the front and gulped nervously. He cleared his throat and set his piece on the stand that was there. The teacher walked forward to look at it.
“Oh, look at this beautiful sketch! Tell us, what do you call it, and what inspired this?”
“W-well, I ca-call it, uh…” he looked at it, he hadn’t really thought of a name but when he looked at Howon, it was his gaze that triggered him to breathe out, “Soft.”
The teacher blinked, “Hm? What was that?”
“The title, it’s “Soft”, because Hoya is so handsome and his looks are strong, but his eyes are soft. That’s why I focused on his eyes.”
“indeed, indeed, look everyone and see, in this image stands a strong man, with soft eyes and a soft heart.” The teacher concluded, and the class applauded.
Howon stared at Dongwoo the whole time. Both locked in eye contact as he explained the work, the tanned model smiling the whole time.

“So you think I’m handsome?” Howon teased as they walked towards the café.
“H-hush! I mean y-yes, y-you are very handsome.” He admitted, “You’re a model for God’s sake.”
“Yes, well. Miss Karin wasn’t looking for handsome men like me remember? “The body is a work of art in all shapes.” Isn’t that right?” the man quoted from a previous class while holding the door open for the frustrated artist.
“I hate that you can hear everything behind that screen.” Dongwoo pouted defeated.
“Well, well, well! Look who’s together!” Sungjong greeted with a wide grin spread across his pretty face.
“Our regular drinks, Sungjonggie, and not another word from you.” Howon laughed slapping a few bills on the counter and walking to sit off in the corner with a blushing Dongwoo.
“S-so, about what you said the other day.” Dongwoo started, “Th-this is what this is right?” he smiled nervously.
“Now, do you really take me to be as cheap as to bring you to a local coffee shop that knows us better than maybe our own mother’s?”
“I’ll have you know we’re number eight out of ten of the best Date Places.” Sungjong interjected setting the drinks down. He looked genuinely offended by the comment.
“Sorry Sungjong.” Dongwoo apologized but both men couldn’t help snicker that only served to make the barista glare more at them.
“Anyways, Dongwoo hyung, to answer your question, no, this is not our date.” He took a sip of his coffee, “By the way, how are you feeling today? I wouldn’t want to have you out and you not be fully well.”
“Th-then when? And where? What do I need to wear? How much do I bring?” he worried, “And I’m fine, thanks to you I feel awesome.”
“Whoa, whoa, calm down. I’ll let you know ahead, and you don’t need to bring money.” Howon answered reaching out to pat Dongwoo’s shoulder.
“Hmm, yes, this coming from a pre-med student whose day time job is a nurse and the other is modeling for book money.” Dongwoo joked.
“Hey, I have to tell the noonas something to pull on their heart strings.” He grinned cheekily.
“So, a model, doctor, and a swindler; does that sound about right?” Dongwoo laughed sipping his drink.
“Nope, I’m still a nurse, not yet a doctor.” He clarified.
“Then are you really authorized to prescribe me medication?” Dongwoo challenged.
“Ibuprofen and Penicillin are about as dangerous as the cold that they cured.” Howon countered with a victorious smile.
They kept up the light banter and chat until it started getting darker. It was then that Howon suggested they go home and get dressed and then meet there again.
“W-well what do I wear?”
“Something nice, but comfortable, please.” was the only hint Howon gave.
In the midst of his whole closet which now resided on his bed Dongwoo was panicking.
“Yeol you’re not helping!”
“I’m sorry hyung but that’s your whole closet! It’s all there! Just pick something!”
“Like a WHAT something?!” he whined before plopping face first into the pile of clothes. “I’m in deep, deep poo.”
“Haha! You mean deep shit!” Sungyeol offered as a correction only to receive a glare from the man in a dilemma.
After a whole hour of fretting over his clothes, then his hair, Dongwoo was finally ready. He chose something “nice and comfortable” just like Howon instructed, he could only hope that it was appropriate enough for the mystery date. He chose to dress in a dark blue button down paired with white skinny jeans and combat boots. His hair was tousled to a stylish messy hairdo, his slime fingers were adorned with rings and his wrists decorated with wristbands and bracelets. He didn’t get to dress like this often so he took full advantage of the opportunity.
Nervously waiting for Howon, Dongwoo couldn’t help but break into a small dance routine to try to still the butterflies swirling in his stomach like a storm. With precise steps he moved to the song in his head. Call it a talent if you’d like but he could easily come up with a routine without the real need of music, he could just come up with something out of the nothing. He had just finished doing a stylish turn when he stopped face to face with a smiling model.
“Oh… hey.” Dongwoo greeted sheepishly trying to collect himself from his little performance.
“Wow, you look… Really good.” The nurse confessed albeit shyly, “Uh, well if you’re ready to go?”
“Y-yeah.” They began walking when Dongwoo had a thought, “Wait!”
Howon froze, “What?”
“S-so does this mean I look okay for the date?”
“I didn’t lie when I said you looked really good. I mean, I’m a bit speechless to be honest.” He admitted, “I mean, I thought you looked good before, but dressed like this is, wow.” He laughed, “Now, can we go?”
Nodding his head they continued on towards the mysterious destination. Walking towards a crowded lit area Dongwoo noticed that they were approaching the club and bar scene. The smell of smoke and alcohol was unpleasant but the beat and bass of the music was beckoning to the blonde dancer.
“Wait, you’re taking me dancing?” he smiled excitedly.
“Yeah, I figured I like to dance, you like to dance, so why not dance?” he chuckled approaching one of the bouncers.
“Hoya. Good to see you, and quite the attractive plus one.” The big man laughed clapping his colossal hand on Howon’s back before moving the rope to let the two in.
“I’m guessing you come often?” Dongwoo asked quirking a brow.
“You can say that. The music here is great.” He smiled. Suddenly wrapping an arm around Dongwoo’s slim waist he whispered into the stunned man’s ear, “Keep close.”
Dongwoo was stunned silent so all he could do was nod his head dumbly. Once in the club the music was loud and the bass was thumping through his body igniting his dancing senses. Looking around he noticed the sudden increase in same sex dance partners, that alone made his skin heated, or was it the hand securely around his hip? Leading him directly to the bar Howon greeted the bartenders with a fist bump. Looking closely Dongwoo could see they were twins.
“Sup Ho~Ya~?” one with blonde hair sang grinning as he eyed the pair.
“Who’s your friend?” the brunette one asked with matching grin.
“Guys, this is Dongwoo. He’s sort of drawing me for the class I model for.” Howon introduced. Dongwoo would have left it unnoticed if he could, but the pressure around his waist suddenly tightened, “We’ll take something light, please.”
“Alright! Coming right up!”
And with that Howon led Dongwoo off to the top balcony so they could see the stage and the dancing people below. Dongwoo was astonished; he’d never been to a place like this. Then again, he had met his ex-boyfriend at and most of their dates were secret in places like restaurants and movies. Thinking back on it, Dongwoo had never gone dancing with said ex. A waiter brought a round drinks and they toasted to nothing in particular.
“So, what do you think of the place?” the model asked after placing his drink on the napkin and leaning back in the plush seat.
Dongwoo sipped the sweet drink and looked around, eyes wide and lips pulled into warm smile, “I’ve never been to a g-gay club before. It’s different for sure.” He chuckled looking over at Howon who was observing him.
“Dongwoo hyung, I want to say this again, you look really good tonight.”
“I think they made your drink a little strong.” Dongwoo joked, but Howon’s gaze didn’t waiver.
“It’s true, I mean it.” He smiled leaning forward lacing his fingers together, “I don’t believe in love at first sight. But I do believe that I like you. I don’t exactly know when it happened seeing how we’ve only had about three classes together and few random encounters.”
Dongwoo laughed and sipped his drink again. He felt warm suddenly flood his face and needed to cool down, but the alcohol wasn’t helping either, “Th-thank you.”
The tanned man remained smiling softly as he drank the blue liquid of his mixed drink. After each had enough drinks to loosen them up, Howon stood and reached for Dongwoo’s hand, “Come on, let’s go dance, it’s what I brought you here for.”
Looking up into dark brown eyes the lithe dancer knocked back the rest of his drink and let himself be led to the dance floor. Howon didn’t let go of his hand even as they entered the sea of dancing people. It was the brunette who began swaying his hips along to the rhythm while Dongwoo only swayed hesitant and shy. Seeing this, the built male spun him bringing Dongwoo’s back into his warm chest. “Loosen up, it’s just dancing.” Howon breathed into the paler man’s ear making him shiver at the warm breath that ghosted over his ear and neck. Nodding he closed his eyes and let his dancing instincts take over. Moving his hips to the beat he began building up a rhythm. His body rolled, snapped, popped, and turned smoothly. Opening his eyes he blushed. Howon was only standing watching him.
“That’s more like it.” He heard the model chuckle before pulling him in to join the body wave.
Both dancers were lost in the music. Every now and then Dongwoo would do a goofy move that brought Howon to bark out a throaty laugh before trying to do one just as silly, only to get embarrassed and dance serious to cover his embarrassment. They danced up a thirst and with a nod of his head Howon signaled for them to make their ways back to their seats.
Huffing, Dongwoo tossed himself into his seat, hair matted and chest heaving for air, “Wow! That was so much fun!”
“You put some good moves out there.” Howon laughed setting down two more cold drinks and taking a seat next to the breathless man and handing him the beverage.
“No, if anyone put out some moves it’s definitely you. I didn’t know what to think when I saw you move like that!” Dongwoo exclaimed after taking a swig of his drink, “Ah, I should slow down, I’m not much of a drinker and I’m already feeling a bit buzzed.” He admitted sheepishly, “But when do we go back?” the blonde laughed feeling energized and confident.
“Well, if you want we can go right now.” The model suggested taking off his vest and unbuttoning the top buttons of his shirt.
“Let’s go then.” This time it was Dongwoo's turn to grab Howon’s hand and pull him to the floor.
As if on cue the music changed to a slower tune; something with those cheesy rifts and with an all-around raunchy sound. But the usual shy angel was replaced by something more vixen like. Wrapping a slender arm around the built man’s neck he began swaying to the music. Howon’s hands found themselves back onto the hips they’d occupied when entering the club. Feeling bold he pulled the thinner man flush against his body as the grinded to the music. He knew the attraction was there, and maybe it was that knowledge that brought the artist to press his full lips against slightly thinner ones. Pulling back he gaged Howon’s reaction, the man responded by grinding harder before kissing the paler male, Dongwoo broke the kiss and let his head fall back as he enjoyed the warmth of the body he was pressed against. Lips found themselves on the pale expanse of the neck offered and thin fingers wound through sweat soaked tresses. Looking back at Howon their eye’s locked, Dongwoo’s dark brown orbs blown from the combination of alcohol and lust.
“M-maybe we should stop d-dancing for now.” The blonde suggested. Breathing was becoming a problem but he was sure he didn’t want to do anything that could otherwise end in him feeling guilty. Biting his bottom lip Howon nodded his head, but even Dongwoo couldn’t miss the look of disappointment in his eyes.
The pair left the club in a comfortable silence. Howon’s hand had somehow found Dongwoo's as the two walked. Dongwoo had to admit that he was a little drunk, not enough to be an embarrassment but enough to where he couldn’t walk or see straight, thankful for the other dancer’s hand he leaned his head against the man’s shoulder.
“Thank you for such a wonderful night.” Biting his full bottom lip he glanced up at the model before pressing a shy kiss against the tanner cheek.
Howon blinked before pushing the man against the nearest building and crashing their lips together. His hips pressed against Dongwoo’s made the other man moan in appreciation. How long had it been that he’d been touched like this, how long since he’d felt the familiar burn of lust course through his veins igniting all his senses? Howon pulled back to look into the other’s flushed face and smile.
“I think we’re drunk.” He chuckled.
“I’m not drunk, you are.” Dongwoo countered with a laugh of his own as he playfully pushed the stronger man off of him.
Howon walked Dongwoo home and he finally made it into his apartment, only after another round kissing. He was grinning, mind off in some far away land of magic and fantasy which Sungyeol felt the need to interrupt.
“Eh hem?” he cleared his throat making the other man look up and grin even more dumbly, “Well, well, well, look who’s home late! How was your date?”
“It was sooo much fun.” The blonde giggled as he laid himself on the couch using his thin roommate’s leg as a pillow.
“Oh my gosh, are you drunk hyung?!” Sungyeol asked excitedly.
“Maybe just a little, like a little-little.” he sighed, “But Howon bought me these tasty drinks and it’d be rude to say no, right?”
“Yes, very rude.” The brunette laughed, “So what did you guys do?”
“Oh Yeollie, he took me dancing! It was awesome, I want to dance with him again.” The elder pouted in his drunken state.
“Yes well, get some sleep first before doing that okay?”
“But, I want to dance with Howon!”
“Okay, maybe another day, go to sleep hyung.” The taller cooed trying succeeding in coaxing he man into his bed.
“Yeollie?” The taller man stopped looking back at the man under the covers, “So, you think Howon likes me? Because, I like him.”
“Yes hyung, I do think he does. Go to sleep, you can call him tomorrow.” And with that he turned off the light.

Light flooded into Dongwoo’s room bathing it in white. Groaning he sat up from his bed scratching his head and messing his hair up even more than he knew it was. His head was pounding, throat dry, he felt like throwing up but luckily didn’t. Getting out of bed he noticed he was still wearing last night’s clothes, and that’s when it all came back to him causing another wave of nausea. Sitting on the edge of his bed he remembered everything. He remembered him kissing Howon, he remembered Howon kissing back, the dancing, the grinding, the kissing in the street, and in the elevator, and the hallway, then right outside of his door.
“Oh my God… H-how could I…?” he was worried.
He knew nothing happened but he couldn’t help but feel guilty about doing such things in his inebriated state. Looking at his phone he saw he had missed calls from Howon. Deciding to ignore them fearing rejection he went to the restroom to wash up and clean the grime from the previous night off his body. When soaping his neck he smiled, the nurse’s lips were so warm there. Shutting off the warm water he dried off and quickly dressed in some jeans and a V-neck and made his way to the living room.
“Yes, you should go one day. They have really good drinks there too.”
Furrowing his brows he stopped confused. There was another voice talking to Sungyeol, but it didn’t sound at all like Sunggyu, or even Myungsoo. Walking into the dining room he froze.
“Hey.” Howon smiled, his teeth pearl white.
“H-hi.” Dongwoo answered smiling dreamy despite his pounding heart, “Wh-what are you doing here Howon?”
“I told you I was going to bring brunch. I even stopped and got you your favorite drink.” The other man grinned standing up and handed him the coffee cup.
“Thank you.” taking a sip he groaned, coffee after a hangover was just heaven, “Thank you so much.”
“So, I really don’t hope you mind me coming over. I just was worried about you. The guys at the club made the drinks really strong and well…” Howon paused to blush, “I d-didn’t want you regretting anything.”
“Like what?” Sungyeol asked smiling. Suddenly his presence was noticed.
“N-nothing Yeollie!”
“Y-yeah! Let’s eat! I brought plenty!” Howon covered quickly. But all through their meal Sungyeol gave them knowing looks grinning perverted.
After the meal Dongwoo and Howon decided to walk around town. Each knew they had a lot to talk about.
“So, I just want to say thank you for last night, and thank you for brunch.” The elder smiled.
“Hey, the pleasure was mine.”
“I feel like I have to pay you back somehow.” Dongwoo admitted.
“Don’t. I’m having fun, that’s payment enough.” Howon demanded, a small scowl on his handsome face, “My life revolves around the clinic and studying. That’s the real reason why I’m doing the modeling class. It’s different, it takes me out of the normal. Makes me feel awkward as hell, but just enough to remind me that I’m alive, you know?”
Dongwoo nodded listening. Howon was really opening up to him. It felt nice. Ever since Sungyeol had found Myungsoo it was as if his friend had forgotten all about him. He recalled countless nights and days that the taller boy would ramble and rant about every guy he’d gone out with or about what’s wrong with the dating scene these days.
“Anyway, about last night.” Dongwoo gulped here it comes, “I don’t want it to be a one time thing.”
Dongwoo blanched. Stopping in his tracks he blinked and looked at Howon who’d turned to look at him confused.
“W-wait, y-you mean… So, the k-k-kissing and stuff… you’re okay with that?” The eldest stuttered confused.
“Well, yeah? I mean, I did kiss back, and I did push you against the wall… and the elevator, and the-”
“O-Okay! I get it!” the blonde had to stop him or else his face was sure to melt off, “S-so, what you’re saying is…”
“Jang Dongwoo, I want to date you.”
And there it was, the way Dongwoo’s face and body warmed up, the way his insides hatched a billion butterflies that were raging trying to get out, the feeling of being wanted again, the feeling engulfed him and made him smile a thousand watt smile.
“Really?” he asked shy but never once did the smile drop.
“Really, really.” Howon chuckled closing the distance. Their lips met and the feeling was electric. Kissing back Dongwoo wrapped his arms around the slightly taller man’s neck making Howon’s instinctively wrap around the thin dancer’s waist pulling him closely. Had it not been for a red ball that hit Howon on the head, they would have forgotten they were in public. Blushing new shades of crimson the continued their previous walk, hand in hand.
Stopping at a small yogurt shop they sat by the window looking out at the passing people enjoying the rare weather. Taking a glance Howon smiled. The sun was streaming in lighting the paler man’s skin making him glow, it lit up his warm brown eyes, and made his blonde hair look like gold. Sighing he ate some of the cool treat.
“You know, Dongwoo. I somehow feel like I should be drawing you.” he admitted only the tiniest embarrassed, “you really are a beauty.”
Dongwoo’s face flushed for the nth time. But the reminder of drawing brought something to his mind. The class. He was sure that it was something the younger man wasn’t going to quit any time soon, this made him upset. He liked Howon, and though he agreed to start dating him, he was sure that he had no right to tell the man what he could do and couldn’t do.
Howon being a smart man noticed the sudden change in the blonde’s body language, “What’s wrong?”
“Hm?” Dongwoo asked looking up, “Oh, it’s nothing.” He answered shaking off the nurse.
“Please, tell me.” The brunette commanded softly reaching out to wrap his hand around Dongwoo’s.
“W-well… it’s about the class.” Dongwoo started, “It’s just, you know. We’re different now, a-and… it’d be weird if something were to happen.”
“Like what? Perhaps me going.” Howon used his index finger to move from curled to pointed.
“Y-yah! D-don’t s-say that!”
Howon burst into laughter at the other’s outburst and otherwise mortified expression. He tried to assure that he was only joking but Dongwoo was still blushing.
“It’s not that okay? I just… I don’t like how some of the people there look at you, that’s all.”
“Oh, so you’re saying that you’ve only had innocent eyes for me while up there partially naked?” Howon challenged with a wiggle of his brows.
“Yes! In fact I have! I don’t think the way the others do.” It was an honest answer and Howon could see that. The sudden feeling of being protected coursed through him and he smiled.
“Dongwoo, you really are cute. But I tell you what, if we’re going to date, I’ll stop the modeling.”
“But your school? And the money.”
“Hyung, I told you, I do it just to get out of the norm, like a scary hobby. But now that I have you, it’s okay.” He smiled sincerely.
“You know, they’re going to cry for losing their precious “Hoya”.” Dongwoo grinned.
“I’m sure they can find a better replacement, if anything I have a friend who could use the gig. I’ll give him a call.”
“So this is for real?” Dongwoo asked again.
“Yes, I told you I like you. And from now on I only want to have private classes with you.”
“But this next time I get to draw you.” he grinned.
Howon laughed as Dongwoo stormed from out of the yogurt shop face flaming. Running to catch up with the pouting man he stopped him and pulled him into a hug whispering into his ear.
“I’m sorry, I just like teasing you. it’s fun, but I mean no harm by it.” He chuckled.
“I don’t think I like you anymore Howon.” He huffed lighthearted.
“Really? Let’s see if I can change that.” Lifting his chin he brought their lips together in a chaste kiss, “Now?”
“… No.”
“Hmm,” kissing him again he smiled into the kiss, he couldn’t get enough of the older man’s lips, “How about now?”
“Getting warmer.”
“Remind me to make you upset as often as I can.”

A week turned into months and Miss Karin was furious. She couldn’t get ahold of Howon or of the agency to find the models whereabouts. And he’d already lost a student, Jang Dongwoo had been absent for some time as well. She was upset and worried. Her phone rang and she answered quickly.
“Yes? This is Karin. Oh really? He WHAT?!” she shrieked into the phone.
Howon and Dongwoo were in hysterics as they disguised their voices teasing the teacher they once shared.
“Yes ma’am, he got a sex change and moved to the states as a mail order bride. I’m sorry, you’ll have to find another model.” Hanging up they laughed again. They didn’t have to go about it that way, but it was fun.
“Now, Mister Jang. Could you turn a little to the right?”
“Like this?”
“Perfect.” Dongwoo lay in his bed, white covers wrapped around his body, his hair messy, and the light streaming in on him while Howon sat behind a canvas, “Absolutely perfect.”

pairing: dongwoo/hoya, rating: pg-13, imb2013: submission

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