Sounds like everyone that I know is taken aside.

Feb 07, 2009 19:34

this whole week has been hectic and oddly crazy. first, I got locked out of my house, so I had to wait from 2:30 to 6:30 for someone to let me in. worse, I tried prying the door open, slipped and scraped my left middle finger against the stucco siding of the house. at the carpal-digital joint, I managed to loose all the skin down to the tendonous sheath that surrounds the joint. it was bleeding profusely, and tt some point, I also managed to crack or pop something, and the joint actually started loosing synovial fluid. it wasn't pretty, and it became very painful. I should have gone to the hospital, but I just put a band-aid on it and called it good. when I woke up, it was okay, but ugly. the joint was still exposed, and my movements were limited and painful. I put a fresh band-aid on, and again, called it good. it's getting better now, 4 days later, and I can move it, but I still have a band-aid on it to slow the healing; that way, scar tissue doesn't form. I actually left the band-aid off last night and I could already see a layer forming.

I had the first exam in French, and it was crappy. I finished last in the class (in test time), and I never managed to finish the homework. Madame glared at me a few times during class. it was funny and a bit disheartening at the same time. hehe..

I also skipped Humanities 1 to go to lunch with Tim and his friend Jessica. they were talking, and since apparently I was annoying her (she told me- I think it was because of this exchange: "Giving blowjobs is like shaking hands for gay people!" says Tim. "That's disgusting," I say), I decided I'd prefer not to talk. I don't like annoying people most of the time, so I didn't want to annoy her any further. I should have just gotten out and gone to Humanities, but nah, and we went to a hawaiin barbecue place. it was alright. the burger was overpriced, but decent.

Vanessa & Julie are mad at me because I decided to catch up on school-work rather than drive with them to Redding. I just didn't want to drive that far... and I had school-work to catch up on. they offered to pay me (they were going to give me gas money for the trip anyway) $80 to take them regardless, but I just couldn't. I do feel bad, since I said yes, but things change, even in a single day, and I could no longer fit it in my schedule to take the time to drive there with them. still, I do feel a little stupid for rejecting the $80, since I could always use the money, and Vanessa does still owe me $20.

I could definitely use it now, since I've been preparing my aquarium for planting. I ordered everything except the frogs/Geckos. I haven't really decided which one to get. I'm just going to go the East Bay Vivarium and get which ever one makes sense at the time. for what it's worth, I can get the two poison dart frogs and a gecko, or just two geckos. I also want to have a small pond on one corner, but I will see how that is done; if I can do that, then I can also have small toads living in there. I ordered the plants today along with some other items: a jewel orchid, 2 or 3 ferns, a small Venus Fly-Trap, Oxalis, and some Peperomia plants. I think there was one other  too, but I also got some "Monkey Pods," natural rain-forest pods, some raw grape vines, and absorbant clay substrate. it all totaled to about $100, and I still have to wait 2 weeks for it to arrive. I'll get the animals on the weekend after or before they arrive... so, likely next saturday. I have high hopes for this project, and I'm pretty sure I can make it work- the only limitation I really have is the aquarium I'm using.

friends, life, reptiles, school

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