(no subject)

Jul 14, 2011 02:07

I think I have decided I want to "get back out" as it were. Meaghan moved on fairly quickly and that's fine. Everyone is different. She has attachment issues so I shouldn't be surprised that she did what she did.

As for me, it has come to my attention that I'm not good at being single. I don't have the confidence to just walk up to a girl at a bar and talk to her. I can't spread myself thin with lots of girls. I'd rather pack everything I've got on one. Plus I don't like the idea of talking to girls with one thing in mind. Friendship is an option for me and I'm okay with that.

Maybe I just haven't experimented enough. Whenever I go out, I just stick with the people I know. I don't tend to mingle. Either way, I'm no longer content and I'm not sure on how to move forward. If you recall, the only reason Meaghan and I got to know each other was because of my roommate at the time. No one is going to say "you two. Talk, get to know each other" now. None of my friends are like that.

There are girls in mind, but I'm stuck trying to figure out how to ask them out. I work with one and it's not really appropriate to do such things while working. The other I never see in person so the only way I can get a hold of her is on Facebook. It's not really appropriate to ask someone out on Facebook. Part of me wants to suck it up, part of me thinks it's stupid to ask someone out on facebook, and another part of me doesn't agree with "bandcest" (she's in the color guard and plays flute in concert band).

All if me is thinking that it couldn't hurt to just go for it, though. It would just be a simple date or whatever. That's what they are for, right? Like I said, I'm bad at being single.

Well, I'm tired and those are just things I needed to get out.

Feedbacks would be appreciated.

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