iPhones are pretty cool

May 18, 2011 04:40

Yeah, that's right, I'm writing this post on my iPhone. I'm in bed, actually and decided what better place to write up a post than my bed when my mind is on overdrive? So, I searched the app store, downloaded the LJ app and here I am.

So not a whole lot has happened since my last post. KJ finally went home to California :( Meaghan is at home until tomorrow and her roommate is in Europe for another week with the orchestra, so I'm all alone. I've taken advantage of this by blasting music and played my guitar really loudly. Usual stuff.

As for work, I've worked a grand total of four times. One of these times was almost an eight hour shift because we couldn't close until an hour after we usually do. I didn't get out of that place until 1:45 AM. Awesome.... Otherwise, work hasn't been that bad. I have actually been kind of enjoying it because the people that work in the kitchen are ridiculous. Between yelling "WON'T YOU FLYYYYYY HIIIIIIIIIGHHH FREEEEEEEE BIIIIIIIIIIIRD YEAH" and severe incessant homoerotic comments towards each other, these long shifts become pretty interesting. Customers can't see or hear you, so anything goes. One of the guys is a big Dream Theater fan and I'm kind of surprised by how much I remember about that band despite having not listened to them for a long-ass time.

So other than work, I've been dicking around. That girl I mentioned in a previous post, Amanda, is in India for another two weeks or so, so there won't be much talking to her until she gets back.

Wow, looking back at this post, I can't help but notice that it is incredibly boring. I'm sorry, readers.

Anyway, that's all I have for now.

Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone.

via ljapp

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