By the honor of loooove

Nov 11, 2005 22:36

hey all!!

Again I'm slacking off! with all my current obsessions, it's hard to remember to post in my own LJ as there are so many wonderful communities out there:p

This past few weeks have been quite fun. I went out for Halloween and though I didn't dress up or anything (that's for kids here) I had loads of fun. A few friends and I went out for drinks and then dancing (to a straight disco tho:p). One of the guys kept nagging Andrea and I (Paola's sister) to dance and we kept blowing him off by going to the bathroom or claiming we were too tired:p and I kept pretending I didn't remember his name, just for kicks:p

After that, it was full on work again. Things are going really well at the school and my University supervisor loved my latest lesson when she visited me at the school (she's very hard to please). She even kiss me goodbye when she left the school!!! I joked about it with Paola saying that maybe it was the kiss of death like in the mafia (since she has an italian last name) but it turned out to be quite the opposite:p

The best is yet to come tho... tonight... exactly five minutes ago... the headmaster of the school called me on my cell :o Ok, so it may not sound like a big deal, but he's not the kind of headmaster who worries about academic aspects of the school (that's what the viceprincipal is for, the headmaster is more of a business-type guy). Anyhoo, he called me to ask me to go observe what they do in english with the pre-schoolers so I give him an honest, professional opinion (which means he's confident in my abilities) and to tell me he wants to talk about the future :p I am soooo in! and here today i was fretting in the arvo about not having a place to work next year (yeah, I tend to fret for the craziest things:p). Needless to say, I'm very happy!:p

Ok, that's it for now:p

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