Note to self: "doors can be yellow too"

Oct 21, 2005 11:18

hey all!!

Woke up early today and since I dont have to go to talk to my uni professor for another hour (kinda nervous about that, but I'm sure it'll go ok) I decided to post about my busy week:p

This week we hosted an event at the school I'm working at that is called "Young Authors Event" and it was basically a drama and literacy thing. The event started in a really interesting way on Wednesday 12th, when I got to the school and to the third floor (which is exclusively the domain of the English dept. where we teach some classes and where the English teachers have our own room to chill out and drink coffee and smoke ciggies:p) and Luly (head of the English dept) comes running up and says "[insert person's name here] forgot about the young authors event and we have to plan everything for next Tuesday." Obviously everyone was running around and going crazy!!! We quickly got organized and Luly and Norma planned the whole thing in like, a minute (these events are usually planned months in advance) and it was decided I'd be in change of the stage. I know quack about stage building, I'm horrible with my hands (well, at least anything that involves crafts;)) and I suddenly found myself being in change of 18 lil kids from ages 9-12 and I had to tell 'em how to build a stage!!!:s

Now, onto the day of the event....

It at started really well, with Susan, Maria Luz and I relaxing on the third floor, having coffee and laughing. Maria Luz even said I was officially part of the team cause I was starting to get confused like they do when they're talking (prolly cause us teachers have so many things going on at once:p). The thing was that we were talking about a competition that had taken place the previous week at school, but I was also talking to Susan about the water heater so instead of asking "who won?" (in the competition) to Maria Luz I asked "who unpluged it?" cause I made a mess between the two convos I was having:p

Once the event started, things got REALLY hectic! I kept running everywhere looking for the things that were missing to build the stage (for some reasons, pencils and scissors wre not on our list of materials :: rolls eyes :: ) and we ran out of several other things rather quickly. The Arts and Crafts teacher was there to help out and she was great. She got all the kids working, she made the molds for the door, the window, and the pizza (all props needed for the play that another group of kids was rehearsing) really quick, and I helped out as much as I could with the painting and such. There was another teacher "helping" that came from one of the visiting schools, but she was a lazy ho, who just would sit and rest at any chance she'd get! :: fumes :: But the best part came near the end...

I noticed that the group of kids painting the door were painting it yellow and were taking a long time to do it so at some point I said to them "hey kids, hurry up cause at the end of this thing that door has to be brown" cause, you know, doors are brown... mostly:$     HUGE mistake!!! Jackie (the arts and crafts teacher) had told 'em to paint it yellow so, after the paint was dry, she could draw the details on the door with a marker!!!! eventually she turned and saw the now half-yellow, half-brown door and asked me "why are they painting the door brown?!" At that point, all I wanted was a shinny shovel so I could dig a big hole and hide in it:s So I replied "cause... uhhhh... I.... told 'em the door should be brown" Problem was that at that point there was no time for that door to dry with two coats of paint!:s  Thankfully, she quickly got another mold made (seriously, I think she had a wand hidden somewhere, she was so fast!) and with the help of two students she painted it yellow again and also painted the door details using black paint... it looked really cute (I saw several people with digital cams at the event, so I'll try to get pics:p)

So the event went great and after we cleaned everything up we had more coffee and more cigarretes:p and everyone just laughed at the door thing, but I was still pretty mortified... until a really cool thing happened on Thursday....

Luly called me that day and told me that Jackie wanted to speak to me. I thought I was gonna get yelled at, but no! it turned out she wanted to clear the air hehehe. She was really sweet saying how I'm still new and that she didn't want me to have bitter memories of the event and that everything worked great, except that tiny thing with the door that did not hurt the event one bit and that I had really stepped up to the plate running everywhere and getting everything that needed to be gotten and that from now on, I could count on her for anything I needed. How cool is that?

So all in all, it was a great event!:D

Ok, now I'm off...

cya all soon!:D :: waves ::

*ETA*: I got this quiz from aody and my results are really accurate!!!

Kate took the free personality test!
"Longs for a tender and sympathetic bond and for a ..."

Click here to read the rest of the results.
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