Apr 16, 2009 23:50
I've been thinking about LJ's limitations that bother me recently, and all this DreamWidth activity has got me wanting to post about it.
I don't like how LJ (and DreamWidth, it appears) expect that you either want to read all of a user's posts, or none. I'd like to read subsets of people's posts, e.g. Alice's posts that are about food or Bob's posts that are not about food (or other things you can do with union/intersection/complement on the sets of posts that tags represent). I'd even like to be able to view just the food posts from my friends page, say if I saw one recently that I didn't bookmark, but now I'd like to find it again without browsing through *all* the posts. (Search in friends' posts would also help here.) This can only be faked partially and poorly at the moment.
I'd like to be able to have entries marked read/unread/skipped/whatever. This can be done by subscribing in a separate RSS reader, and then I think I can subscribe to tags (but not complements of tags or intersections or unions) but then I can only read public entries.
Instead of people or tags I think I want a concept more like "streams" or "channels".