So rather than go back to your traditional school (for now, at least) i'm trying to opt for a much more interesting path.
Linda actually got me to thinking about it, and after a little bit of pondering, I decided it would probably be really fun, and beneficial, if I were to teach english abroad. For one month i'd go to a
school in Prague, to get my certifications. Going to Prague for a month would be pretty sweet in itself, but after that i'd leave for any country of my choice to teach for a year. I'd be hired on by a public or private school, or a business. I'd either teach in Eastern Europe or in Asia, as that's where the highest demand for Native speakers is at. I'm thinking i'd stay in the Czech Republic, or go to Japan. One or the other. The hard part now is trying to convince the parents. They are constantly coming up with new ideas about why it's going to be difficult for me to do this, all for my own benefit. Examples include how much people outside the U.S. hate us, to the fact that the school is a sham and will rip me off of all my money and leave me for dead in a Czech alleyway. They also brought up the North Korean threat, but I told them that Japan knows how to cope with getting nuked. They're used to it. However, I think i'm slowly bringing them around and i'm pretty sure i'm going to be able to do this. I'm pretty goddamed nervous, but I think it will be very exciting, especially being on my own.
Now, being the International Emmisary from the various groups I belong to, I have my obligations to add a few extra bits of information on to any classes I teach. If I were to be in Japan, it would of course be to tout Microsoft as supreme. I'd have to test the waters first, though, seeing as I think the Japanese people might not like Microsoft. I think in Japan I would find Nerdvana, where Nerds a million times worse than myself exist.
I would also have to explain to them the evils of American women, who eat your soul and and blah blah blah. This isn't as funny as I thought it would be, so I drew this picture.
Masterchief is the only person able to fight back, i'll teach them. Hell, maybe I can even start a new Religion in Japan.
But the scoop is basically that if things go the way I would like them to, i'm going to be gone for a year and a month, thousands of miles away in a foreign country. I figure that none of us ever end up doing the things we want to do, so why not just say 'fuck it,' and do them? So here I am. Hopefully.