Aug 28, 2005 11:38
I am so damn pissed right now. I have been for the past few days, and I'm not sure why...
Actually, I do know why. Fuck people. Yeah, PEOPLE. With the exception of a few people in this world, there are no decent human beings alive. Including myself.
Lol, my usual apathy for most things lately has turned to rage. And by God I'm about to Arcanite-Reaper-Execute someone. Most people won't even get that fackin statement. I should be Cold Blood/Eviscerating anyway, I'm a damn Rogue.
And by the way, it's ROGUE, not rouge. There's only so many "rouge ganked me," "rouge lfg," "rouges are fucking cheap bastards," statements one person can take. Fuck you, they're assassins, not a lipstick color. Couleur, my bad...Fuck the French too. Any country who's citizens stereotype involves a beret deserves to be nuked off the globe.
So I decided to be a curmudgeon these last couple days... =P
I think I just need a break for a while. It would do me some good. If I keep up like this I'm gonna fucking snap some day and stab someone 30 or 40 times with a spork. Just need a few days away. A vacation from vacation. Just so my tension eases. I'm gonna start with some jazz, ambience, Gorillaz (whatever genre they're in), and sleep. First, I gotta watch two movies and go buy the new Gorillaz cd.
"Here's where I am
Versus where I think I oughtta be
There's a certain chance
I'm a victim of circumstance
I take a look at myself and at first glance
I see who I recently thought to be me"