
May 21, 2004 16:24

(1) Your gender: Female
(2) Straight/gay/bi?: Straight,
(3) loved?: I think so :D
(4) Want to be?: •shifty eyes•
(5) Your birthday: 16th October
(6) Age you act: .....11
(7) Age you wish you were: I just wish I could of stayed 16 forever ^_^
(8) Your height: 5' 11.5
(9) The color of your eyes: dark brown during the winter/light brown summer
(10) Happy with it?: I want my dad's eyes :O hazel winter/ light green summer
(11) The color of your hair: lmao IT DEPENDS....black during the winter and gay redish brown during the summer
(12) Happy with it?: i dont mind :/
(13) Left/right/ambidextrous?: ambidextrous, bet you'd never think that eh!
(14) Your living arrangement?: mom,dad, TWO ANNOYING SISTERS, and my step grandMAW.
(15) What's your job: ill be quitting soon! CENDANT!
(16) Piercings?: lip,ears.
(17) Since? my first piercing was uh when i was...uh..14? ( tongue and naval) but my ears since forever...
(18) Obsessions?: HARRY POTTER
(19) Do you speak another language?: Spanish and some french
(20) Have a favorite quote?: " Where'smy jewish bowl..." lmao
(21) Do you have a webpage?: I'm working on a harry potter one right now for some rp, NOT WITH SUDDENLAUNCH or anything, my own OUT OF SCRATCH ^_^ actually its my final project for class haha
(22) Do you live in the moment?: meh.
(23) Do you consider yourself tolerant of others?: no
(24) Do you have any secrets?: Yep
(25) Do you hate yourself?: no, i cant really hate people or things eventhough i may say i do, :/
(26) Do you like your handwriting?: no, all my work is done on computers the only time i actually write was when we had a written test....NO WONDER IM SO SLOPPY lol
(27) Do you have any bad habits?: saying things i dont mean just to get back at a person :/ sucks.
(28) What is the compliment you get most from people?: art, usually people I dont know come up to me and ask if i can sketch out a picture they have on them *shrug*
(29) If a movie was made about your life, what would it be called?: eli and the seven dwarfs
(30) What's your biggest fear?: not being loved, and failure.
(31) Can you sing: Yeah, but eh .
(32) Do you ever pretend to be someone else just to look cool?: *puts on her cool shades* I'm too cool to try to be cool... No =\
(33) Are you a loner?: No, I have friends...
(34) If you were another person, would you be friends with you?: Yep, id always laugh at my jokes :D lmao
(35) Are you a daredevil?: Only when I'm really hyped up!
(36) Is there anything you fear or hate about yourself?: It takes time for me to believe anything someone tells me, and by the time I start beliebing it they are tired of me not believing it so THERE FEELINS FADE AWAY! *stopms foot/* I HATE THAAATTT
(37) Are you passive or aggressive?: both.
(39) What is your greatest strength and weakness?: Strength- I keep moving on in life, everyone has to do what they gotta do! Weakness- I let everyone step all over me sometimes and it just leads me into this mental mess.
(40) If you could change one thing about yourself? Id like not to expect certain things from people, because they end up hurting me in the end.
(41) There are three wells, love, beauty and creativity, which one do you choose?: Anyone can be creative...so...beauty doesn't matter to me =\ yep LOVE IT IS.
(42) How do you vent?: ART.
(43) Do you think you are emotionally strong?: At times, if i really care for the person, no. If i dont care then yes.
(44) Is there anything you regret doing/not doing in life?: Getting a hold of my biological father, I wish I would of taken the chance and just asked him, "why?" *sigh*
(45) Do you think life has been good so far?: It could be worse.But things will hopefully work out.
(46) What is the most important lesson you've learned from life?: It wastes energy to be angry. And ALWAYS put yourself before others. If you cant learn to love yourself then how can you love another person? :\
(47) What do you like the most about your body?: I like my tummy :D *firmly runs her hand down on it* bwaha
(48) And least?: my cheeks
(49) Do you think you are good looking?: lol..i dont think im like whoa ugly, but not pretty either so MEH Lol.
(50) Are you confident?: on certain things,yep
(51) What is the fictional character you're most like?: =\
(52) Do people know how you feel?: Usually, most of the time im happy unless i talk to certain people who piss me off.
(53) Are you perceived wrongly?: Depends how people percieve me. I don't actually know.

(54) Smoke? I don't like kissing ash trays mk.
(55) Do drugs?: no.
(56) Read the newspaper?: ^_^
(57) Pray?: when i feel the need to.
(58) Go to church? sometimes, i havn't in a few weeks though =\
(59) Talk to strangers who IM you?: strangers meaning off my bl? No.
(60) Sleep with stuffed animals?: Mr. Phooeeey lmao
(61) Take walks in the rain?: I like to, yeah.
(62) Talk to people even though you hate them?: I don't hate people.
(63) Drive? YEp.
(64) Like to drive fast?: yes, especially down newport blvd XD
(65) Liked your voice?: yeah, until I heard a recording of me. I sound great in my head, but it resonates differently to other people.
(66) Hurt yourself?: *ignores this question*
(67) Been out of the country?: Yes. AND NOT ONLY MEXICO...actually ive been to england with my aunt more than to mexico...IVE ONLY BEEN THERE ONCE AND I WAS FIVE...:D
(68) Eaten something that made other people sick?: Not to my knowledge.
(69) Burped?: More than likely, though not in public.
(70) Been unfaithful?: Nope.
(71) Been in love?: yuuuuuuuuuuup
(72) Done drugs?: <.< >.>
(73) Gone skinny dipping?: LOL IT WAS FUNNY!
(74) Had a surgery?: A few times.
(75) Ran away from home?: Once, I traveled across the country, chilled with my ex and his friends for about three months then came back.....WELL THE COPS FOUND ME..urgh...
(76) Played strip poker?: Yes, but when i lost one item of clothing i quit lmao
(77) Gotten beaten up?: by a certain family member...
(78) Been picked on?: ALL THE TIME YO.
(79) Been on stage?: Yep. Love it too!
(80) Been so drunk that you know you're supposed to go out on a date with someone, but you can't remember with who or when and that you faint when you look at yourself in the mirror in the morning, not to mention your breath?: i knew who i was going to go on a date with :P!
(81) Slept outdoors?: YEs! on the roof, it was nice...The night was clear and all the stars were shining bright.
(82) Thought about suicide?: Yes, it was horrid.
(83) Pulled an all-nighter?: Oh yes.
(84) If yes, what is your record?: Monday after noon- thursday morning. Depression sucks :D BUT IM OK NOW!! XD
(85) Gone one day without food?: Yeeep
(86) Talked on the phone all night?: Yeah,lol.
(87) Slept together with the opposite sex without actually having sex?: Mhm
(88) Slept all day?: I can't sleep that much
(89) Killed someone?: No.
(90) Made out with a stranger?: kissed yeah, made out NO. HE WAS A SOOOOPER STAR....<3 RYAN FROM SLICKSHOES.
(91)Had sex with a stranger?: Nooooooooooooo!!!!!!
(92) Thought you're going crazy?: Oh always.
(93) Kissed the same sex?: once.
(94) Done anything sexual with the same sex?: no no no lol
(95) Been betrayed?: yup
(96) Had a dream that came true?: not yet. ;P
(97) Broken the law?: yeah, ran away, they considered it a felony...STUPID...yeah
(98) Met a famous person?: Yeah, many. Mostly from bands, slickshoes,rooney,thrice, blink 182 (lmao, travis is hawt though) Midtown,jimmy eat world, The Ataris, Bottom Lime, At the drive in, ahh those are just some off of the back ofmy head, im sure theirs more ^_^
(99) Have you ever killed an animal by accident?: :( yes. a chick :( i loved her very much...but she decided to sleep besides me without knowing...and well...you know the rest
(100)Stolen anything?: stuff.
(101)Been on radio/TV?: Schools tv for announcements, radio on KROQ..and the news back in 9th grade,
(103)Had a nervous breakdown?: Yeah
(104)Considered religious vocation?: wtF?
(105)Been criticized about your sexual performance?: not yet? lmao
(106)Bungee jumped?: FUN lol
(107)Had a dream that kept coming back?: yes, TELL IT TO GO AWAy.
(112)God?: He’s there, I just gotta find him.
(113)Satan?: I dunno. I suppose he is there, but I don’t feel him and he isn’t important to what I do.
(114)Santa?: I was always a cynical child. Always wanted to know why santa had mums handwriting. :P
(115)Ghosts?: Dunno…
(116)Luck?: no
(117)Love at first sight?: maybe
(119)Witches?: !!!!
(120)Easter bunny?: Nope.
(121)Believe it's possible to remain faithful forever?: Yes.
(123)Do you wish on stars?: Yeah, sounds stupid but it brightens up a part of me.
(125)Do you remember your first love?: who wouldn't...
(126)Still love him/her?: I don't even know, it's hard to say when so many people are in your life and bah.
(127)Do you consider love a mistake?: Love is never a mistake. I think it is just what people confuse with love is what they might take for a mistake.
(128)What do you find romantic?: Walking on the beach late at night just talking to your love and gazeing into the skies dark night *shrug*
(129)Turn-on?: Kisses on my neck drives me wild lmao :P
(130)Turn-off?: sexism. Offensive language. Offensive innuendo. Stupid people
(131)Do you base your judgement on looks alone: No.
(132)If someone you had no interest in dating expressed interest in dating you, how would you feel?: Flattered, perhaps in time I'll start feeling something for them as well? •shrugs•
(133)Do you prefer knowing someone before dating them or going "blind"?: Know them, why break someones heart- or yours for something that would of never been there to begin with.
(134)Have you ever wished it was more "socially acceptable" for a girl to ask a guy out?: Guys are stupid, girls know how to get a job done :P
(135)Have you ever been romantically attracted to someone physically unattractive?: I think so. But the thing is, the people I like aren’t hideous, they just aren’t supermodel men. :P but not completely hopeless…<- lmao
(136)Do you think the opposite sex finds you good looking?: I know of some, but I wouldn't know *shrug*
(137)What is best about the opposite sex?: Getting different opinions rather than just girls'
(138)What is the worst thing about the opposite sex?: They are hard headed sometimes and take everything out of hand when it's uncalled for.
(139)What's the last present someone gave you?: Jake Lenins gave me a class ring a few weeks ago. Ummm that's the last one i think?
(140)Are you in love?: Yeah, it's a great feeling. But it sucks how im just here sitting like " okay when am I going to start hurting?" I feel that sometimes love only brings pain, bah, im so negative sometimes.
(141)Do you consider your significant other hot?: *makes sizzling sounds*
(142)What would you do if you were walking down the street and saw some hot guy standing on the sidewalk?: um id keep walking? lol I dont stop stare them down and whore myself towards people :/
(143)You wanted to kill?: no one.
(144)That you laughed at?: Blake, he thinks he can make fun of me because im corny, PFFT!!
(145)That laughed at you?: Alexlmao
(146)That turned you on?: I'm not turned on very easily- just warning you.
(147)You went shopping with? Ever and Lorene!
(149)To disappoint you?: I was dissapointed when Mike didn't tell me how he was going to finish his school credits, instead of being like " dont feel like talking about it." (( as usual) He says " Dont be nosey." I guess caring for people is being considered nosey now. Great, but what ever rocks their boat.
(150)To make you cry?: My mum, she's sick and wont tell me whats wrong with her, its pissing me off.
(151)To brighten up your day?: ALEX AND KATIE lmao
(152)That you thought about?: My mum
(153)You saw a movie with?: The clique.
(154)You talked to on the phone?: Gabby
(155)You talked to through IM?: Landa
(156)You saw?: Fred
(157)You lost?: Alexandra...
(158)You thought was completely insane?: Katie
(159)You wanted to be?: noone in particular…
(160)You told off?: Ever, *grrr*
(161)You trusted?: my ex, and he broke my trust but oh well LIVE ON.
(162)You turned down?: Jake Lenins last saturday lmao at BOTH PARTIES... hes cool though <3 i just love how hes a kid lol Going to prom with him so wooo OMG prom next week, this weeks was for Valley wooohoooo, next is OV w0ot.
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