04; [fic] inebriated (ryoda; 1/1)

Oct 03, 2007 23:48

happy birthday ueda! ♥ ♥

Oh Uebo-hime. ♥ Happy birthday!

(By the way, this totally counts.



Title: inebriated
Author: inevitabilityy
Rating: PG-13 at the most.
Pairings/Characters: Nishikido Ryo/Ueda Tatsuya (RyoDa), KAT-TUN, NEWS
Word Count: 537
Disclaimer: These are in no way affiliated with the real life people mentioned. I wish though. =(
Summary: Birthday fic for Ueda's birthday! Maybe they want this to mean something tomorrow.

There’s something beautiful about this, Ueda thinks, watching, slightly horrified, as NEWS falls all over each other, laughing, touching (was that skin he just saw - no, he really didn’t want to know), celebrating. The release party for their new single was raging, and predictably, they were probably drunk. (Not that Ueda could really be talking - he could feel the slight buzz of alcohol as well, and if it was any implication by the way Yamapi and Jin had their arms looped around Kame’s waist, fingers settled firmly over his hipbones, all of KAT-TUN was as well.)

Actually, make that extremely drunk, Ueda decides, when Nishikido stumbles against Shige, resting his head against a laughing Shige’s shoulder. Nishikido stares at him out of those sleepy eyes, glare intensified by the alcohol. I hope Johnny doesn’t find out, is Ueda’s most coherent thought as he pointedly ignores Nishikido’s stare, NEWS can’t afford to lose members right after their new single.

“That isn’t your concern,” Nishikido growls, and Ueda jumps, not realizing he had spoken out loud. Perhaps he was drunker than he thought? No, he decides, that couldn’t be. Maybe Nishikido just happened to read his thoughts or something. Yes, Ueda’s mind decides in a drunken haze. This makes sense.

“It isn’t any of your concern,” Nishikido repeats again, this time smoother, and smolders (no, really, did he just smolder?) at Ueda, borrowing a leaf from Yamapi’s book and biting his lip as well.

“Okay,” Ueda says, and shrugs, wanting to move on. As long as Nishikido wasn’t insulting him, Ueda wasn’t particularly worried. That, however, did not mean he wanted to carry on an extended and possibly intelligent conversation with Nishikido either. He was pretty sure even his drunkenness wouldn’t explain that.

“Oh, come on,” Nishikido whispers, and this time Ueda blinks and Nishikido’s right in front of his face, and Ueda can practically count the number of freckles on his face. “Come on, Tat-chan,” the nickname rolls off Nishikido’s tongue as smoothly as water does, and Ueda stares this time, more sober than he’s been all night, “shouldn’t you at least celebrate for us?” Nishikido says mockingly, and winks, feathery eyelashes brushing against Ueda’s cheek. “For me?”

“In case,” Ueda starts, but stops once he slurs his second syllable. “In case,” he starts again, this time clearing his throat, noticing uncomfortably the gleam in Nishikido’s eyes, “you haven’t noticed, Nishikido, we don’t exactly get along that well.”

“No shit, princess,” Nishikido says, and the corners of his mouth tug down, but then they curl upward again, into a triumphant smirk. “It doesn’t matter, though,” he continues smugly, “it’s still good manners.”

Ueda shrugs, too tired to argue (he’s not entirely too sure he could string together a coherent enough sentence either). “Congratulations,” he says simply, and smiles once, a real, breathtaking smile.

Maybe it’s because Nishikido’s drunk or maybe it’s because Ueda is, but when Nishikido brings up a thumb to lightly brush at the delicate skin beneath Ueda’s eye, Ueda’s not sure, but maybe he stops breathing for that one moment, and maybe later Nishikido will just chalk it all up to alcohol-induced insanity, but he whispers one word, hot breath ghosting over Ueda’s mouth.



Anyways, obviously I am crazy, even when I am not writing crack.


fic: je, i love uebo-hime, ryoda, fic, hooray birthday

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