Aug 31, 2005 21:28
Oh, God. Nothing, ever hits this close to home. I know it happens everywherein the world, but its right next door to me. Thousands dying, a daughter watching her fathers body float bye. Rotting. Help! Water please. The government worrying about shooting looters, instead of saving them. Water? Food? rescue. Theres no preperation.
Oh,God. I feel helpless. IM only a kid. But i want to run all the way to louisiana. I want to walk bourbon street up to the lake. And i want to climb over roofs and help the babies down. I want to bye a boat and save them. Ive bnever felt so frustrated and helpless. What can i do>? Donate 100 dollars? thats all?! I sit here doing my Spanish studying. A's. A's for college. So i can help one day. WHAT CAN I DO NOW? Write to my congressman.
Oh,God. Who will help the poor misguided government. They send guns to keep ppl from stealing food for their families. Thousands dead. all they think of is, stop the relief... stop the looters.
Oh,God. Did you see what is ont he news? Thousnads dead. Never the same. Culture washed down the drain...... literally. feces, disease, death, sadness. I cant stand the tears. Who will help the young mothers? who will help the child. Who will help the hospitals... who will hhelp he ppl get to the hospitals??
Oh,God. its 9:34 here at home. Im warm and safe. But my insides are hollow. Where will they go>? Its dark, the roof is the only dry land. And even then. Its dark. She hasnt eaten in 3days. Where will he relieve himself? No electricity. no food. Oh,dear katrina. Show me light?
And then, i see help. Grocers giving away food. Enough to feed thousands. But, alas babylon, can they get it out quick enough. While the outside states watch, they die, and live it. BUt! Then, human kindness. Victums helping others. A lady looks over at the house she was just rescued from. Inudated with water. She looks into the reporters eyes. " I thank, God. I am so lucky. So lucky these men pulle dme out alive. My house is gone."
Oh, God. I love louisiana people. Not," THOSE DAMN PEOPLE! wheres my money, wheres food?!" no, its... i thank G-d for the simple thing, im alive. Shining human... stripped down to their souls. ONe of the only things they have left. They praise the Lord... im alive.
I feel hopeless. I cant believe there is no relief. Could they not see it coming? a wall to protect the city froma lake. Could they not be prepared. President Bush, you flew over. What will you do now. YEARS to recover. But what about now.
Oh, God. PLease help them. for i feel helpless and frustrated. devestation, disasterous. Im crying. Why? LIght is still there through this dark catastrophe. But what can i do to make the light stronger. They dont even have matches.
Please, donate, do what you can. Or at least be thankful for what you have. And remember the people right next door. Struggling to survive, yes, in the year two thousand five.
- Alison xo