Aug 26, 2008 20:54
I've decided to put off reading Lisey's Story again, I'm not sure why. Instead of finishing that i went to the mall earlier today with my roommate and picked up The Dead Zone...yes another Stephen King book. I guess I consider him my safe author since I haven't found anything of his so far that I don't like. I bet by the time I die I'll have read everything he's written.
After the mall we went to the park cause we had shit else to do and he showed me a part of the park which was blocked off and that I had never seen before in the 27 years I lived here. I so wish i had my camera. I would have taken tons of pics. The next time i go back to the park by myself i'm taking it with me. It was friggin awesome and I'm going to start going to that part of the park more often now. It's all secluded and there's and there's lots of places to sit on rocks by the water. granted it isn't the cleanest water in the world but it's still pretty nice.