Why Narnia is not Ruled by Republicans: written by Lucy, read by me

Jan 10, 2010 16:32

Title: Why Narnia is not Ruled by Republicans
Author: xxlucyferxx / lucymonster
Details: Narnia fandom; gen; rated G; 5 min 45.

Download the MP3 file here

So, I couldn't use my eyes very well this weekend (some kind of weird eyestrain or migrane or something), and that ruled out my normal hobbies of reading books, reading the intarwubs, blogging, and watching TV. I owe my remaining sanity, and possibly my restored capacity to stare at printed text again, to revolutionaryjo's fabulous nine-hour reading of copperbadge's Stealing Harry. I'd never thought about podfic as an accessibility issue before, but I guess it is: if my eyes are going to keep playing up on me, my screentime has to be devoted first of all to study and work, and not being able to read suddenly cut me off from fandom and all the fic I would normally use to cheer myself up.

So, paying my dues to fandom at large, I devoted an hour or so of my I-can-see-again-but-shouldn't-push-it screen time to recording fic by one of my favourite people. I have another three or four of her shortfics I want to record, and if/when I get that done I'll upload them all as a sort of album.

Now, I'm 7.5 hours into Stealing Harry, and have discovered that audioporn is surprisingly hot. I'm off to rest my eyes again and enjoy that. With the headphones on, so as not to alarm my housemate.


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